Resurrecting the Perfect Resume, Part One
Digital Marketing

Resurrecting the Perfect Resume, Part One

Is your resume dead? Don’t be too quick to say, “No way!” Of the hundreds of resumes I’ve seen written by job seekers of all backgrounds and educational levels, easily 95% qualify to be labeled dead but not yet buried. A dead resume lacks a clear structure or timeline, doesn’t present or quantify accomplishments, doesn’t […]

Reduce your plastic use: one room at a time

Reduce your plastic use: one room at a time

It’s affordable, it’s versatile, and it’s an item few people can live without. Although these items are designed to be thrown away after a single use, this item does not disappear. Guess what it is? It is our beloved plastic! There is no doubt about the excellent use of plastic products that have made our […]

Exercise: the ultimate stress reliever
Health Fitness

Exercise: the ultimate stress reliever

Sally Gordon sets her alarm clock for 5:00 am every morning to fit an early workout into her schedule. However, unlike many women, Sally doesn’t work out to look better in a bikini. Rather, the 46-year-old business executive and mother of three simply likes how it makes her feel. She has discovered what millions of […]

How to play the game of darts Perfect 01
Legal Law

How to play the game of darts Perfect 01

Disclaimer: There are many combinations of darts that can be used to play 301, 501, 701, 801, 901, etc. This serves as a possible example and should not be considered the only possible scenario to play the perfect 01 game. The perfect 301 darts game means finishing a match with 0 points in two rounds […]

Cervical Cancer Staging Simplified
Lifestyle Fashion

Cervical Cancer Staging Simplified

When a patient is diagnosed, cervical cancer is accessed with a “staging” that helps determine how metastatic (spread) the cancer is. It also helps determine which other organs (if any) are affected by the disease. Since cervical cancer usually involves both surgery and radiation therapy to cure it, accurate staging is essential for the future […]

Commercial Space Leasing – Know Your Neighbors
Real Estate

Commercial Space Leasing – Know Your Neighbors

Are nearby shops complementary? Next, check to see if the commercial space you’re considering is complementary to nearby retail establishments. For example, it would not be appropriate to put a liquor store next to a school for troubled children. However, a dry cleaner, nail salon, office supply store, and dollar store might fit well in […]

Attract Wealth – Sacrifice

Attract Wealth – Sacrifice

“Sacrifice is giving up something of a lower nature for something of a higher nature.” ~ Leland Val Vanderwall let go and grow Progress means abandoning old ways of life to adopt a new life. To attract wealth, let go of the old to let in the new. A prosperity conscious person knows that there […]

The most unusual phobias
Tours Travel

The most unusual phobias

Phobias are the fear of something. In general, the fear is quite common: most of us know someone who has a fear of heights, spiders or public speaking. But it is possible to be afraid of many other things. These are some of the more unusual phobias I have come across: chionophobia This is the […]