4 Common Marriage Destroyers

4 Common Marriage Destroyers

Studies have revealed that the likelihood of divorce is most likely within the first two years of marriage. It is not unusual to see couples break up after the first few years of marriage. As complex as your marriage problems may seem, each one can be solved, and most solutions are simple.

It is important to identify the exact problems that pose a threat to your own married life. Once you’ve identified the problem areas, you can start working on them to eliminate those sharp points of hostility. You need to write down practically when and what circumstances caused the words, actions or behaviors that signify a deviation from those exhibited during your courtship and honeymoon days.

1. Not accepting your partner as he is
Couples must anticipate and be prepared to handle differences resulting from differences due to cultural backgrounds, different family situations, and differences in economic backgrounds and more. They must be patient and willing to work on common ground by sitting down together and openly discussing every problem, no matter how small. There is no need to try to change the other partner as it would be a pointless and painful process with severe side effects.

2. Taking the relationship for granted
You have to work on any relationship to sustain it. It’s natural for couples to allow their priorities to change after the first few years of marriage. That does not mean that they should become insensitive to the feelings and needs of others. Preserving romance and intimacy is vital for your married life to be happy and strong. Little gestures like a hug, a genuine word of thanks, a surprise gift, or the occasional note or phone call will do the trick. The point here is that your sincerity and the commitment you put into your relationship will pay big dividends like deeper love and a stronger bond.

3. Secrets and snooping are poisonous
Remember why you married your spouse and try to respect and appreciate those qualities. This will make it easier for you to trust your spouse and allow them the space and freedom they deserve. Let there be no room for confusion or guesswork in serious family matters. Make detailed plans and arrangements for handling money, children, in-laws, and social activities. Never give in to gossip or outside influences and start snooping around as it creates havoc in your precious marriage. If possible, spend time together in some of these activities, as they will make your marriage immune from any danger. Being dishonest with your spouse kills trust and this is the ultimate marriage destroyer. Once trust is lost, it is almost impossible to get it back.

4. Not allowing private time for each other
Fostering a happy marriage amidst the pressures of life is essential to keeping marriage destroyers at bay. Busy schedules or being away for longer periods, or pressures from children and family can eat up your time. It’s easy to ignore the need to spend time together in private, but be prepared to wonder later how your marriage became so fragile. Try and spend your private time to share your dreams and plans or feelings and views. Take the time to show that you care and are willing to support and cooperate with your spouse. This can remove unnecessary stress and worry from your married life. Make sure your marriage is safe and healthy by making time for each other.

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