
Are your Christmas traditions working well for you?

Christmas is a precious time for many of us. It’s about family, special relationships, home, and sharing together, so clearly demonstrated by the many advertisements that echo this message at this time of year.

A new couple, just beginning their life together, may want to bring some of their family traditions with them; the people who must be invited, going to Christmas Eve carols, midnight mass, the local pub before dinner, watching the Queen’s speech. They are all welcoming and comforting ways to carry on family traditions and import an “all is well in the world” feeling.

But over time, those delicious and comforting traditions can lose their effectiveness or there can be conflicts between the different desires of each. Having the whole family around for Christmas dinner can lose its appeal as our own family grows, the work and expenses involved increase, and we want to do something different / easier / have a change.

Chaos can occur when a change in tradition is suggested. Some families may find it divisive to suggest an alternative way to spend the day. But if your own family is expanding, growing, moving, not available, it is important to find other ways to keep the bond.

And traditions change. There was a time when a lot of people didn’t eat meat on Fridays. It was meant to be a penance; dispensing with this staple was a sacrifice and had a meaning. There was a time when “everyone” went to church on Sunday. These days, modern life offers many alternatives to meat and doing without it is a choice that many make freely every day. And the Sunday Church is not so central to the lives of many families.

Many of our Christmas traditions have gradually evolved as more options were required or available. For some, it’s easier to go out to eat on Christmas Day, sharing the effort and expense together. With more single-parent families, adoptive relatives, and people living far away, it has become reasonable to select alternate days to dine together at Christmas.

Yes, some Christmas traditions are lovingly preserved. Offering a carrot, mince pie and a glass of sherry for Santa can be essential even years after he stopped calling. ‘We always decorate our tree, we wear these ornaments, we visit the grave’ may still be an integral part of your Christmas, but letting go of some traditions can help ease the stress and guilt others may feel if you are torn between what they want and what What should they do .

It is important to keep the Christmas spirit and let the traditions evolve. New traditions may emerge, so make sure you have a very Merry Christmas!

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