Best acne treatment to get rid of blackheads, whiteheads and acne and get clear skin
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Best acne treatment to get rid of blackheads, whiteheads and acne and get clear skin

Acne is something that affects 80% of teenagers and 20% of adults. Blackheads, whiteheads, whiteheads, and pustules are common manifestations of the most common form of acne: acne vulgaris. Acne is an embarrassing inflammation of the skin that can be moderate to severe, but regardless, acne causes humiliation and low self-esteem. The good news is that getting rid of blackheads, whiteheads, and acne is entirely possible, but to get rid of acne effectively, it helps to first understand its root causes: bacteria, clogged pores, and excess oil. Therefore, the best acne treatment is one that does the following:

one. Kills bacteria. Bacteria cause acne. This is why it is so important to wash your face every day. The antibacterial agent benzoyl peroxide is favored by dermatologists for killing acne-causing bacteria. It is also known to be one of the most effective and is the main active ingredient in many acne-fighting cleansers. Among the most repeated tips for skin care is: “Don’t touch your face!”. And it’s true. Touching doorknobs, shaking hands, and covering your cough or sneeze (which is still recommended!) are just a few of the sources of bacteria on your hands. Also, bacteria reproduce every 20 minutes! That’s why it’s also important to wash your hands with a mild antibacterial soap several times a day for your personal health and also before you wash your face with your acne-fighting cleanser to make sure you don’t transfer any bacteria to your face.

two. Remove the oil. Your body naturally produces oil (sebum) to protect your skin, but sometimes it produces more oil than is necessary. This excess oil, combined with the use of oily skin care products, can clog pores and cause acne. A good cleanser and/or toner will remove this excess oil. Also, only use oil-free products on your skin. Make sure your makeup, moisturizer, and sunscreen are oil-free so you can avoid potential problems.

3. hydrate Many acne-clearing skin care products are effective because they dry out the skin by removing excess oil or stimulate the shedding of dead skin cells. Either way, this leaves the remaining top layer of skin on your face vulnerable and dry. It is essential to maintain and restore moisture to the face. Many people are afraid to apply a moisturizer to their face after using acne treatment products. Isn’t that counterproductive? Won’t that clog my pores? I thought acne products work by drying out my skin because it’s too oily? Just be sure to use a moisturizer that is oil-free and non-comedogenic. This will ensure that it doesn’t clog your pores and nullify your efforts to get rid of acne.

Four. Tone. Some argue that this step is optional. Using a toner on your face will help remove any extra sweat, dirt, or even residual cleanser from your face after washing. Toners also help diminish the appearance of pores. With repeated use, you’ll begin to notice tighter, smaller pores, giving your face a smoother, more polished look.

5. Exfoliate. Exfoliation is the process of using a chemical or physical ingredient to gently remove the top layer of skin. It sounds harsh and abrasive, but it just has to be as harsh and abrasive as the product you choose to use. Exfoliation is actually a critical step in getting clear skin because it removes dead skin cells that can get trapped in your pores and cause skin inflammation, thus acne. Dead skin cells often mix with oil to clog the follicles and pores on the face and acne is the result. Strong exfoliation is not recommended for pimples, but it is a superior method used for get rid of pimples, especially blackheads on the nose. As mentioned above, there are two types of exfoliants: chemical and physical. One of the most popular chemical exfoliants is glycolic acid. Physical exfoliators are items like scrubs, which use tiny microspheres or grainy particles to gently rub away dead skin. Both chemical and physical exfoliants will do the trick.

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