
Boost Your Self-Confidence – Quick, Easy, and Practical Ways to Do This Now

Become earth

Where you put your attention on your body has a great effect on how you feel. It also impacts how strong you feel, mentally and physically.

A really powerful technique to feel “grounded”, to feel like you can cope with whatever comes your way, is to literally imagine yourself rooted in place. Concentrate on your legs for a moment and imagine strong roots growing from them and reaching into the ground. These roots allow it to move and flex, like a tall oak in the wind, while remaining strong and true to itself.

And then imagine those same roots that draw all the resources you need to nurture yourself, allow you to grow and become your true self. Some of you will find this notion entirely acceptable. And others may think this is outside of their experience or comfort zone. And whether or not it works, so leave it to go. What do you have to lose, other than the old problem you had of a lack of confidence in yourself?

Develop a powerful resource anchor

An anchor is simply a stimulus that is linked to a physiological state. When the anchor is present, it triggers a response: the linked physiological state. Some anchors occur naturally through association (think about how a slow, gloomy piece of music makes you feel, and then imagine listening to an upbeat dance tune and notice the difference) or they can be incorporated or ‘programmed’.

So, think of a time when you felt totally safe (and if you are absolutely certain that you have never felt totally safe about anything, then you already know how to be confident), you just need to apply it to other, more positive areas. ) and recreate that moment in your mind, now. As you do so, intensify the feeling, really feel what you felt, listen to what you heard, see what you saw, and now enjoy that feeling of complete confidence. When the feeling peaks, link it to a single stimulus. People often use something like knuckle knuckle or thumb and forefinger put together. Others simply mentally return to the time or place where they remember feeling totally safe and find that this works very powerfully for them. Others find a music track that really excites them and works for them.

Experiment and find out what works best for you. Then whenever you need a confidence boost in the future, “turn on” your anchor or return to your special place of trust in your mind and enjoy the feeling.


There is an old adage that practice makes perfect.

It also makes it permanent. So practice, practice, practice.

All my friends and colleagues consider me a confident person. I however

  • Talk to myself in the mirror before I’m about to give a speech, presentation, or take a lead role in the meeting. I rehearse different scenarios, anticipating what people might say or ask and how I might respond. Much of what I envision may not happen and my preparation is always worth it as I know I am well prepared, and that provides an immediate boost of confidence.
  • Give my long-suffering cats the benefit of my wisdom. This is a variation on the mirror technique. And I use it especially if I am preparing to give a presentation. I experiment with saying things in different ways and with different body language while my cats look on curiously. Truth be told, all they want to know is when they will be fed next time (and I find that some delegates share this attribute!). The important thing is that I experience the words and feel comfortable in my skin / adapt them to feel comfortable and safe before “living”. For this to work well, it’s important to say the words out loud, not just in your head. That way, you’ll really feel what it’s like to say them, so you won’t be surprised when you do.
  • Use my morning shower as my sanctuary. I repeat in my head the events of the day as if they had already happened and were a success. I visualize all the meetings I’ve had, the people I’ve talked to, the emails I’ve sent, the results I’ve had.

And then I live the day ‘as if’.

As if it were as confident, powerful and ingenious as I need to achieve everything I set my mind to. Like you now. Knowing what you know. Doing what you do Whether you realize it yet. Or not.

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