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Feeling nothing in a Reiki session: what it means

What if you had a Reiki session, as a client or as a healer, and you felt absolutely nothing? This is what a healer asked recently, when neither the healer nor the lady he was healing felt anything at all. I hope this answer reassures you.

Reiki goes where it is most needed for the greatest good. With this in mind, let me explain a few possible scenarios:

  • The lady had root causes that urgently needed to be addressed. However, she wasn’t ready to do it. Reiki wanted to go there, but it was not the right time.
  • The Reiki went there and helped pave the way. But, because the lady wasn’t ready yet (even if she firmly believes she was), the Reiki got there so gently and in such a small amount that it was unnoticeable.
  • You were distracted and couldn’t feel Reiki, but that doesn’t mean nothing happened. I once healed a client while my mind insisted on writing a mental shopping list, over and over, no matter what I did, for the entire session. At the end of that session, I was surprised to hear the client rave about how she loved the warmth of my hands, all the visions, and the wonderful messages she received. So being distracted doesn’t mean something didn’t happen. However, your concern is that the client doesn’t feel anything, so let me explain it with some examples. I gave Reiki to a client who felt nothing and left feeling disappointed, even though I explained the possibilities of the client experience (below). She then came back for more, reporting that she was feeling generally calm within two days of the session. I myself had the most amazing Reiki session when I felt absolutely nothing. Subsequently, my then constant neck pain required no pain medication for an entire day, which was nothing short of a miracle. There is no reason why both the client and the healer should feel nothing. It is perfectly normal.
  • Reiki reaches where it is most needed. If you were in an uncomfortable physical position (like straining your back), the Reiki would have gone there and instead of feeling it flow, you simply would not have felt the discomfort or the level of discomfort that the tension position was causing. If you had distracting thoughts, Reiki would have helped you gain clarity regarding these thoughts. With practice, you will learn to give in to these distractions and therefore to flow better with Reiki. When you give a cure, you receive a cure.
  • Our need to “feel something” is something man-made. It is the need of man to control. It is deadly pleasure that we seek. Reiki is a deeply spiritual practice. You are learning to surrender this human need and eventually transcend it without even thinking if you or the client “feel anything.” In other words, the desire to feel something during a Reiki treatment goes against the spiritual nature of Reiki. Part of your Reiki training is learning to be humble and give up the expectation of feeling anything during a treatment. This is very difficult to learn, and it has my sympathy, as I struggled with it for years in my own learning. Remember, you are on a Reiki learning journey.
  • Reiki heals at a very deep level that is often beyond our understanding or imagination. We are used to taking a pill and feeling the effects in 15 minutes, like a headache pill. Reiki definitely doesn’t work like that. People are often drawn to Reiki because they have been disenfranchised with the allopathic medicine approach. However, we have been so conditioned by this approach that we expect Reiki to work in the same way. But we seek Reiki because we want something different!

Reiki is an intelligent energy and goes where it is most needed for the Highest Good. Reiki can be felt as hot or cold, a wave sensation, a vibration, an electrical sensation, images or messages, or not felt at all. The client may have a healing reaction during or after treatment, such as giggling, tears, giggling, sobbing, yawning, hiccups, belching, etc. Otherwise, the client may feel relaxed, go to sleep, or feel nothing at all. All of the above is perfectly normal. The experience may differ from session to session. We do not direct Reiki or dictate what should happen during the session. We just trust that it is helping us move forward in ways we often don’t understand, and that is the beauty of Reiki. It works on a deep spiritual level.

Enjoy your Reiki journey.

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