
Find Time: 3 Ways Focus On Focus Helps You Maximize Your Time

“Are you too busy scrubbing the floor to turn off the tap?” – anonymous

Finding time to focus always pays off. Focus makes or breaks many projects. And with focus, you accomplish so much more with less stress. But does sustained focus seem like an insurmountable challenge?

If so, start building your focus muscle now. The first step is to generate incentives. Why take the time to exercise moment-by-moment discipline?

  1. The approach strengthens your competitive advantage.

    A recent nationwide study concludes that, on average, 2.8 hours of each workday are spent dealing with distractions. US office workers are interrupted at work up to 11 times an hour, costing up to $ 588 billion for US businesses annually. Think how much better you can compete in the world of work if you eliminate the distractions that paralyze so many!

  2. Focus Champions Your life purpose.

    You only control your use of time when you control that you think about Every time you decide to focus on your task, you affirm that your chosen priorities are important. You affirm that your life purpose is important enough to be successful. With enough concentration, very few things get in your way.

  3. Focus builds self confidence.

    How many dreams have you given up because you feel unable to persevere? How serious is the price that this takes on your self-confidence and zest for life? By focusing on your power of choice, you improve your following and earn their trust. Think of focus as your best friend, keeping you on track when distractions call for you. Instead of succumbing to the ever-present temptations of the Internet and email, call your best friend to remind you that you are important, that your time is important, and that your time choices are important.

Your power increases with your practice. The more you develop your power of concentration, the less attractive the distractions will be to you.

What’s your next step in increasing focus and your effectiveness to make the most of your time?

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