How to lose weight walking
Health Fitness

How to lose weight walking

Perhaps the cheapest and most convenient way to lose weight is to walk. Most people can lose at least a pound a week by walking at a moderate pace for at least thirty to sixty minutes a week.

Walking is not only great for weight loss, but it also reduces your risk of stress-related mood disorders, heart disease, colon cancer, stroke, breast cancer, and diabetes. Every individual is different when it comes to how long it will take them to burn off fat. Simply put, one pound of fat equals 3,500 calories. To lose that one pound per week, you’ll need to burn 3,500 calories more than the total calories you consumed that week.

Time doesn’t matter as much as distance. However, the faster you walk, the more calories you burn per mile.

Losing weight is not the same as walking. You can lose weight by walking, but it will take much longer if you walk at the optimal pace for burning fat. This determined pace means you’re breathing a little hard, but not so hard that you can’t hold a conversation in full sentences.

It’s helpful to pretend you’re walking fast, like you might if you were a little late for an important appointment. When you walk at this speed, it means you’re exercising at sixty to seventy percent of your maximum heart rate, which efficiently burns calories, helps build lean muscle, and raises metabolism efficiency.

So how do you know how many calories you’re expending? A simple rule of thumb is 100 calories per mile for a 160-pound person.

However, to seriously try to lose weight by walking, you’ll need two tools: a pedometer that can be purchased for about twenty dollars at a drug store, and some way of counting the calories in the food you eat every day. This can be as simple as an online site with lists of calorie values ​​for different foods and a notebook.

Most pedometers automatically calculate the number of calories you have burned based on your weight, height, and other values. Most of them measure the distance you have walked in both miles and calories burned. This allows you to easily see how many calories you have burned during a walking session.

By tracking the calories you consume throughout the day, you can easily calculate how far you’d need to walk to burn the 3,500 calories you’d need to burn in a week to lose just one pound. If you wanted to lose two pounds then you would increase your walking to burn 7,000 calories a week.

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