
How to send a cold email

Want to send a business email to someone you haven’t met before? Just like cold calling, there are a few extra precautions you’ll need to take when communicating with prospects.

Use a meaningful subject line. A descriptive subject line that immediately tells the recipient the nature of the email is important. Since you are a stranger, it is very likely that they will just throw your mail in the trash, without bothering to check it. A good subject line invites them to read.

Use a formal tone. Use a formal, business tone throughout the email. It’s okay to be friendly and cordial, but keep it to a minimum and avoid trying to be witty.

Use standard spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Follow standard grammatical conventions, correct spelling, punctuation, and other components. Run it through writing software to make sure it’s correct before submitting.

Be direct. Get to your point as soon as you can. Remember, your recipients don’t know you. Unless you’re giving them something interesting right from the start, there’s no incentive for them to keep reading.

Write short, clear paragraphs. Make sure to keep your paragraphs short and to the point. Nothing makes people want to close an email faster than a large amount of text from someone they don’t know. Make it easy to read and you will increase your chances of being read.

The most important thing is to observe formality when sending a business email rather than doing the usual thing like sending a friendly letter. Have them proofread it for grammatical and spelling errors.

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