How to turn a clogged toilet into a catastrophe

How to turn a clogged toilet into a catastrophe

You might be a little curious about the title of this article, considering that most people go to great lengths to avoid plumbing problems like a clogged toilet. In this case, however, you are extended an invitation to do the exact opposite: create an absolute catastrophe with your toilet.

A clogged toilet is just as scary as the everyday monster under the bed for a young child. The water levels start to rise (only water if you’re lucky) and the clock starts ticking. Clogged toilets are inevitable, so we need to know what to do to make things better. Still, aren’t you the slightest bit curious as to how a full-blown plumbing fiasco might play out?

If it’s a toilet mess you’re looking for, then we have the solution for you! Even though toilets are tough and can take a lot of abuse, if you follow this prescribed plan, you’ll be sure to take the toilet situation to untold levels of “bad.”

That is how:

keep the water running – Water damage from a clogged toilet is pretty considerable, and if you’re looking for a bigger headache than just making sure your pipes are okay, letting the water pool is the best way to go. Make sure you don’t take the time to know how to shut off the water to the whole house, and definitely make sure you don’t know how to operate the water shutoff valve on the fixture itself. Water supply line? What’s that? Don’t worry about that.

use chemicals– Chemical clog breakers are very easy to use. All you have to do is pour them down the toilet and within minutes your clog will be gone. However, the best part is that the chemicals that are used can also damage the porcelain. This means that the structural integrity of your toilet may be compromised.

Go crazy with a plunger – Through a vacuum seal and an up and down motion, a plunger can be your best friend when dealing with a clogged toilet. But if you really want your clogged toilet to be the least of your problems, keep using the plunger even after it has proven ineffective. Also, add more force to your sinking, while trying to hit the porcelain. If you do it right, you will cause cracks in the container.

Put your back into using an auger/snake – If your plunger shenanigans aren’t causing the problems you want, an auger/snake with a bit of elbow strength will probably do the trick. Finesse isn’t what you’re looking for, and if you have little to no experience using one, you’re in an even better position to wreak havoc in your bathroom.

Call a professional? Yes of course! – A trusted local plumber can fix it right away, but where’s the fun in that? By using your rudimentary knowledge of plumbing and a ham fist strength with any tool you can find, making a clogged toilet a true plumbing nightmare will be a piece of cake.

Hopefully, you’ve picked up on the sarcasm in this article. Turn a clogged toilet into a mess? Our purpose? Doing the opposite of these tips is the way to go, but really the best advice for tackling any plumbing problem is to call a professional plumber. They will help you avoid disasters and even give you clues about possible problems in the future.

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