How to write copy to make money online

How to write copy to make money online

One of the most important and often difficult things to remember when writing ad copy is that, despite the industry’s intense bias to the contrary, the words you select so carefully are actually, ultimately, for the benefit of human beings and not just to get the attention of the creepy little indexing spiders that the great and mighty Google asks us to pay homage to.

This is because those indexing spiders are not going to spend a penny on your web page. They won’t tell their friends to tweet you. They will not invite you into their space.

Good Add Copy has to excite, inspire and motivate

The greatest achievement of a real website content wizard is taking the content of the website and making it exciting enough to inspire the reader to buy.

Without that process, you’ll be pretty much dead in the water when it comes to making real money, even with plenty of visitors.

With this article, I’ll try to pass on some useful tips for ad copy, covering some of the basics and hopefully inspiring you to develop your own unique and successful approach.

here is your sign

This may seem incredibly simplistic, and of course it is, but I’m sure you’ve seen enough poorly proofed internet articles and landing pages to realize that when it comes to the basics of copywriting, there’s no It can be stressed enough that bad spelling and bad grammar absolutely needs to be stamped out. Notice: I didn’t use the word avoid. Bad grammar and spelling literally scream the word amateur.

It’s the equivalent of hanging a sign that says: Last week I quit my job at the car wash and decided to become an internet marketing guru.

First of all, effective ad copy needs to be taken seriously and not look like you just woke up one morning and started writing.

That said, if you can’t spell, or if your composition isn’t up to standards, it’s still possible to become an expert in the eyes of your readers. That’s what proofreading and editing are for. And don’t always rely only on yourself.

Before you submit anything for publication, and after you’ve spell-checked until you’re sad, ask someone else to read it for you. It could be a spouse or a friend, or if you want to produce a lot of articles and content, hire someone to help you.

Whoever corrects for you, make sure they read it out loud. Ask them to take notes for you on what they see as wrong or not applicable. If they are having trouble reading a paragraph, you may need to rewrite it to make it flow better.

Smooth, easy-to-read copy is the key to success. One reward should flow effortlessly into the next. Great ad copy is essentially storytelling and should be done in such a way that both at the end and during the story, they just can’t stop buying.

Features versus benefits

To write highly effective ad copy, you must have in mind a firm understanding of the difference between a feature of a product or service you are offering and a benefit of that product or service.

We’ve all seen the car commercial on TV about the truck with the big engine stuck in the snowdrift. Now, having that big hemi V-8 engine is a great feature, but not being stuck with your family in a blizzard is a benefit, and a great one.

It is well established in marketing that consumers buy more often as a result of a “want” than a “need.” Is it essential to present your product in such a way as to install a motivating force of “want” in the minds of your customers? Focusing on benefits instills this type of motivation much more than focusing on the features of the product or service, thus maximizing sales potential.

Sell ​​the sizzle

When doing your product research, make a two-column list. On the left side, on the right, all the features that your products or services offer. For each feature, ask yourself: How would I benefit from this? Y: How would my life improve? In the column to the right of each feature, write the answers to your questions. Then use this analysis as the basis for writing your ad copy.

Old-timers used to call this process “selling the sizzle, not the steak.”

Turn scanners into readers

Market research indicates that, in most cases, readers simply scan headlines to determine their interests in an article or advertisement. Therefore, logic dictates that one should put an emphasis on creating engaging and thought-provoking headlines that command attention and draw readers towards your content.

Good ad copy should have the ability to convert scanners into attentive readers. Powerful headlines can do this. Research your target audience and determine who they are, what their wants are, and how your product or service can turn their wants into benefits for them.

Tailor your headlines to match the key benefits of your products with the wants and needs of your customers.

Determine the biggest benefit of your products and make that your first headline. Don’t be fooled by using the archaic “build” approach. You just won’t get the click-through rate you’re looking for.

Use familiar power words like:

  • rare opportunity
  • Authentic
  • What if I told you?
  • Free Trial
  • Untouchable
  • first rate

Use words that excite, stimulate thought, and ultimately inspire customers to really feel the benefits and value of what you’re selling.

Appeal to the subconscious

The format of the title text can make a difference. One major trap that internet newbies fall into is overcapitalization. For whatever reason, many of them seem to think that if they visually shout out to their customers, they will buy. Not so.

The subconscious mind, which is always the decision maker, doesn’t like to be yelled at either audibly or visually. Always keep that in mind, and only capitalize the first letter of each word.

Speaking of the subconscious, there are those of the school of thought that headlines should be put in quotes because they subconsciously build personal communication and trust between you and your readers, lending credibility to you and any product or service you offer.

Headlines should certainly be designed to allow the reader to flow seamlessly into the subheading or body content, so don’t stop them dead in their tracks with a row of exclamation points or a period, or any other roadblock that gives them a chance. to lose your attention.

Subheadings should be treated the same as headlines, except that the text size should be reduced a bit. And absolutely be sure to state a benefit in your subheading that ties back to the main heading.

The function of the subheading is to gently lead the reader to be captivated by your content and therefore excited and motivated to buy.

promises promises

A crucial element of strong copy is making a promise to the reader from the start, letting them know what’s to come so they never wonder why they’re paying attention.

Do not make general statements that are not supported by specific facts. Build your credibility by using verifiable statistics and expert references, as appropriate.

Establish yourself well as an authority and then make sure to re-establish in the reader’s mind who is the most important person and what benefits your proposal still holds for them.

Also: Be affirmative without being arrogant when making your offer. Tie it all up, going back to the original promise and show them how you’ve kept it.

call to action

Another much-needed component of successful ad copy is the call to action. There should never be just one. Offer them plenty of inspired opportunities to make their purchase.

It’s never wise to wait until the last sentence or paragraph on the page to say “click here.” Remember that many people have very short attention spans and never turn the page.

Then there are the people who can never say no to a good deal. Always write your most powerful ad copy for those people and put it in the first paragraph or two.

This will also appeal to those people who just need to hear a benefit and then they will buy. Trust me, if you give them a chance to buy before the bottom of the page, they will.

There are also people who have to be told half a dozen times to make up their minds. For them, a single call-to-action at the bottom of the page just won’t do.

It’s a fine line to walk making sure you don’t go overboard with the calls to action. Here are three good rules to follow.

Rule one: The first call to action should always be towards the end of the second paragraph at the latest.

rule two: Always add a call to action after a paragraph full of benefits.

rule three: Never show a price or guarantee without a call to action.

Try thinking of your ad copy like a fun sleigh ride down a hill in winter.

At the top of the hill is your first sentence, the purpose of which is to get the second sentence read. And so on, down the slippery hill of well-written content that hits the bottom laughing and full of selling fun.

learn to listen

Finally, an often overlooked gold mine when it comes to source material for good copy, is the simple act of listening.

Social networking sites tell you the exact words your potential customers are using to express all their needs, all their hopes and concerns and exactly what they are looking for and what makes them happy when it comes to just about everything including products and services.

Researching major social networking sites is the best way to select keywords for your ad text, because the words used in tweets will be the words used in searches when Twitterers are shopping online.

I hope that while this article has not been an exhaustive source of ad copy techniques, you have been able to learn a couple of tricks and techniques.

Keep in mind that there is a whole world of amazing creative copywriting resources right at your fingertips. Don’t be afraid to learn new skills. Use your imagination and good search engine technique and go find them.

In the meantime, thank you and may Good Fortune find us all.

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