Health Fitness

Learn the secret way to burn more fat than running

What if there was a way you could burn a massive amount of fat? What if you could do just one exercise and have your body burn fat for days afterward?

Well, it’s actually more possible than you think, and no, I’m not talking about anything to do with running.

What I’m talking about is squats.

I’ve written a lot about the benefits of squatting, but one thing I think a lot of people overlook is how squatting, or any heavy lifting in general, can stimulate fat loss.

What I would like to talk to you about today is how you can burn fat by lifting weights INSTEAD of running.

Well, the first thing, and this actually applies more to squats than other exercises, is that when you do a heavy or exhausting squat workout, it will take a long time for your body to fully recover, usually 2-3 days. This has a huge implication for anyone looking to lose weight…

It means that all that time your body spends recovering is going to mean your body is going to need energy to recover. Guess where your body is going to get that energy from?

Yes, you guessed it… Fat is stored inside your body.

So when you do a good heavy squat workout, you’re going to be burning fat not just while you’re lifting weights, not for an hour afterward, but for DAYS afterward.

That is NOT the case with running. If you run for half an hour, you’ll burn calories for about 30 minutes, maybe an hour after you finish, but not much more. This is simply because it is much easier for your body to recover from running than it is from squatting or any other type of heavy load.

So here’s my suggestion to you… Instead of doing boring cardio like running on a treadmill or pedaling on a stationary bike, try squats. Go for something like 5 sets of 5, using a moderately challenging weight, and see if you don’t like it better.

I know doing squats has ruined my cardio, I can’t stand cardio now that I’ve used weight lifting to burn fat. It’s much more fun.

I really hope you take the lesson I’ve taught you in this article to heart… It will really change the way you exercise.

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