Master money making
Real Estate

Master money making

When you buy a stock on the stock market, buy a lottery ticket, put money into a HYIP, invest in a new business, etc., you are essentially making a bet in the hope or expectation that you will get more money back than you risk. . In casino games, the house has a built-in edge. In blackjack, you can get an advantage over the house by counting cards; in dice by exercising some degree of control over the dice. If you don’t know something, don’t do something, or don’t learn some relevant skills, you’ll most likely lose. With the stock market, it can seem like you have a winning edge because, in the long run, it just keeps going up.

But what if your investment is in Enron or something similar? What happens if there is a big crash and it takes 10-20 years for the market to recover to the point where you bought? What happens if the US dollar falls to zero?

“Money games” can be categorized as “zero sum” (a fixed “pot” that everyone plays with), “positive sum” (the overall “pot” is growing), and “negative sum” (the “pot” is getting smaller). If you play poker at a casino, where the house takes a percentage (for example, 2%) of each pot, you are essentially playing a negative-sum game. Generally speaking, to win, you need to be on average more than 2% better than your opponents. Whatever money game you play, it is vital that you get a winning edge. The more you understand the game itself, the better.

On top of that, you need to do something “special” like apply superior money formula — Money Skill — apply superior money formulas that give you a winning edge. On the internet there are hundreds of these “superior formulas” to opt for and ‘try’, some work, some don’t, but invariably, the ones that ‘don’t work’ generally boil down to two things. Players misinterpret the program or the timing of the players joining the program.

Launches and pre-releases are featured in the media by companies who launch a “challenge”, similar to casino offers to attract “players” or “prospectors” with the chance to double or triple their money “Immediately” , much like buying stocks at the right time. Insider knowledge is gold for such people when it comes to making investments. And ‘Investments’ is what they are. Putting your money on a 100-1 outsider in a horse race is crazy… Unless, of course, you know otherwise. But seriously, people can earn thousands in minutes just because they participated in the launch of a new money program. The right place at the right time is absolutely essential, as is the inside knowledge of a person who is already on… inside.

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