
More tips to improve your website bounce rate

1. Create easy-to-read content that continues to flow smoothly.

Consider Google and Facebook images. The further you scroll down a page, the more it loads. This smooth, continuous flow is effective in engaging visitors.

Visitors cannot be expected to click through and browse the entire website, so the best way to make visitors stay longer is to create a continuous flow. For example, when a visitor scrolls down to a display of the latest interior design projects, this can instantly move to a featured furniture display, and so on. Landing pages can have different sections that overlap each other to give visitors an idea of ​​the products / services offered on the website.

The other vital element in creating a continuous flow is making it easy to read and understand. Visitors won’t want to read a lot of text, especially when they’re just looking for certain information.

Paragraphs should be separated into titled sections. They should also be easy to digest. If not, they should split. Whenever possible, it’s a good idea to make bulleted lists. To keep your visitors interested, it’s best to get straight to the point. Simply put, improving user flow improves bounce rate.

2. Identify the gorillas

Even if a website has a lot of traffic but visitors leave immediately, this can be a problem. There are several reasons why this happens.

For example, according to Google Analytics, most visitors to a certain website use Mozilla Firefox. If the website does not work well in Firefox, this will cause crashes and eventually will cause visitors to leave the page.

One more reason visitors leave a website is when it’s not targeting the right audience. If the web owner is a designer, you would want your website to be seen by commercial companies looking for an online presence, and not by people who like to remodel their homes.

It doesn’t make sense for people in the healthcare industry to see such a site, so they’ll just walk away once they hit the landing page. Another reason for random traffic is poor marketing or incorrect ad placement, so marketing strategy is also an important consideration.

3. Design for different types of devices.

Today, people are forced to search the web using different types of devices other than a laptop or desktop. Nowadays, most of them surf the internet on their mobile devices like smartphones or tablets as they are more convenient and accessible.

When a website is not designed to display well on mobile device screens, this may be one of the reasons it has a high bounce rate. Users can get discouraged when they try to load a web page using their phone, so when it is not compatible with a mobile device, they just quit.

Websites can get responsive web design with the help of many tools. Furthermore, WordPress provides themes that can be easily formatted for different platforms.

Responsive web design is a must to improve bounce rate.

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