Put your pet into a hypnotic trance
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Put your pet into a hypnotic trance

Are you wondering how I can hypnotize my pet?

Think about it, you have your pet as a member of the family, just like your own baby, they both hear, breathe and are active, so calming can calm your animal… just like energy. Now here is a step by step guide to bonding and hypnotizing your pet.

First, find a comfortable place for you and your pet, such as a chair, sofa, and bed, or anywhere next to your pet. The back as you continue to stroke the stomach area with gentle, relaxing strokes, it is very important that you do this very gently and slowly, especially if you want to build trust between you and the pet, whether it be yours or yours. others. You can remove your hand or keep the gentle massage on your pet’s body. Be sure to gently touch each and every part of your pet to condition them to your touch and movement, then as you slowly inhale and exhale, begin softly speaking in a deep, soothing voice to keep your pet in a trance state …

If you feel comfortable, play around and touch his ear in a gentle motion to create more depth, then start talking a little faster with the sounds of a dog humming (listen to dogs crying and laughing and learn the happy sound of your voice and then apply it within the hypnotic suggestions) will take them deeper…

PS: If you have a pet, you will know what kind of sounds your pet makes when he is happy or excited, it is almost like talking to your pet in a baby voice, the same way you talk to a baby. With practice, your pet will become conditioned to your voice using hypnosis to change their behaviors and improve their health. When you are ready to snap your pet out of the trance, hold their body with a firm grip and follow in an authoritative voice, then turn your pet to snap them out of the trance. Be sure to praise your pet for what he did very well, good so-and-so, or good dog.

Please note: Your pet can be easily distracted by outside sounds and noises and therefore it is common for them to snap out of trance once distracted and run towards the sound, this is a natural instinctive response. . ..So don’t get discouraged, keep practicing, eventually they won’t react to sounds or noises once they are deeper and more comfortable where they are inside their minds.

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