Legal Law

William Walker Atkinson and the Law of Attraction

The theory of the law of attraction that emerged at the end of the 19th century explains that through positive thinking and the correct use of our positive energies we are capable of generating significant changes in our lives. The Law of Attraction is a school of thought that considers thoughts, emotions, and attitude as influential factors in creating our own reality.

William Walker Atkinson is one of the names most commonly associated with the law of attraction. Atkinson, who was also one of the key figures in the new age movement, was the editor of Suggestion magazine, a New Thought Journal. But it is his book ‘Thought Vibration’ or the Law of Attraction in the World of Thought (1906) that was phenomenally successful. The book focuses on the law of attraction and generally discusses the different ways it can change our lives for the better.

Atkinson states in his book that we are all guided by universal laws and each of our actions is regulated by them. These laws also influence our thoughts, which, like atoms, work best when held together. It also explains that our thoughts are in a spiritual union mode. Thought, which is seen as a force by the law of attraction, is capable of influencing action. The book illustrates that just as thoughts of love for one person are reciprocated by a person with a similar train of thought, similarly, positive thoughts about the end attract thoughts related to its fulfillment.

Atkinson, while writing about the law of attraction, states that the human mind is often affected by thoughts of failure. This often leads to restlessness and deviation from the path of progress. Atkinson claims that the law of attraction helps the mind maintain a calm mind and a state of stability in the face of adversity. He illustrates the point through the example of pouring oil from a ship into rough seas.

Atkinson suggests that followers of the law of attraction must refrain from negative thoughts and actions. He points out that negative thoughts lead to negative actions and thus bring us negative experiences. It also implies the negative utilization of energy. This, according to Atkinson, is a misapplication of the law of attraction. Rather, it suggests the use of strong thinking and confidence to defend against negative energy.

According to Atkinson, the individual must have faith in himself and his actions to be successful in his mission. Transparency between thought and action is very essential. The mere belief and illusions of ‘I can’ and therefore ‘I will’ will only work when followed by ‘I will’.

William Walker Atkinson’s writings on the law of attraction took the school of thought to a much higher level and even to the following generations. In 2006, a movie called The Secret was made based on his principles.

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