
Sports Cars – Introduction

A car designed for high speed and power, tight handling and striking looks is what is known as a sports car. There are several cars that can confer on the driver the status of being a great driver. Sports cars are in this category. These are produced every year, and each production is better than […]


Tesla rises 1,081%: the big bet to make now

“Are you crazy.” My friend Sasha scoffed as we drank latte for our Sunday morning ritual. Across the table, Brian shrugged, confident in his statement. “You’ll see. Soon even your parents will want one. Top gear he is lying “. I watched the exchange between my two friends, already familiar with this discussion. Look, this […]


What you need to know about SUVs

Sport utility vehicles It’s no wonder SUVs are among the most popular cars in America. SUVs provide room to walk and can handle adverse driving conditions and surfaces. They are the perfect vehicle for the busy family on the go. However, there are a number of SUV issues that need to be considered when purchasing […]


YJ, TJ or JK Wrangler? How to identify your jeep

If you’ve ever wondered how to quickly visually distinguish between the three different Jeep Wrangler YJ, TJ, and JK models, this article is for you. Jeep YJ Wrangler: Square Headlights The YJ Wrangler (1987-1995), the first in the Wrangler line, was produced in 1987 to replace the Civilian Jeep (CJ) and rolled off the production […]


LifeWave Reviews – MLM

LifeWave is a network marketing related company and has been around for just over 5 years. It is based in California and has been trained by David Schmidt, who is now the CEO of the company. The company is making waves in the multilevel marketing industry despite the short time since its inception, and has […]