Top five uses for your patio
Home Kitchen

Top five uses for your patio

outdoor entertainment The number one primary use of a patio is to entertain friends, family, and neighbors. Australia is blessed with great weather, but while we all love spending time outdoors, sitting in the sun for too long is not comfortable. A patio offers the perfect place to sit outside in the shade. Most people […]

Characteristics of gothic furniture
Home Kitchen

Characteristics of gothic furniture

Gothic furniture is a very beautiful and unique type of artwork that exemplifies the best of Gothic architecture. This style is also known as the French style of architecture. Some characteristic features of this bold architectural style are the use of heavy, dark wood, flying buttresses, pointed arches and ribbed vaults. These elemental designs are […]

a well-kept garden
Home Kitchen

a well-kept garden

The taste of sweet tea and the sound of wind chimes beg me to sink deeper into the metal chair on the porch and take a long, cleansing breath. As I inhale slowly, the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers begins to travel to my soul. This routine home visit feels different; I recognize it when […]