
Stop dog aggression

Adopting a new puppy is like bringing a new member to the family. They are all focused on playing and feeding the puppy or even just watching him for whatever moves he makes. But do you know that this puppy only takes a little while to grow into an adult dog? What if your sweet […]


Large dog breeds

Living with a large, active breed of dog can be an exceptionally satisfying experience. However, although a large dog breed can become ideal for countless people; Potential owners must be well-known about many different considerations, including health problems and decreased life expectancy of countless large dog breeds. We take a look at eight of the […]


The best pets for kids

Children love animals, they think they are cute. Most children like furry animals, like dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, tarantulas … tarantulas? That’s what our 3-year-old wants for his birthday! His revelation got me thinking. What makes the BEST pet for a child? Our son loves spiders: small, large, garden, bedroom, bathroom … he wants to […]


Raising your first kitten

Bringing your first kitten home is exciting and you are about to open up a whole new world with your precious new pet. I will never forget the day I brought my first kitten home. As a child, I never grew up surrounded by cats, as my father was super allergic and even a small […]


The 5 best dog breeds in town

When choosing the perfect pet, where you live should be a big factor in your decision. If you live on a busy street, hunting dogs like Weimaraners, Beagles, or any type of bloodhound are poor choices, as they tend to follow your nose rather than your wits. If you live in an apartment complex, your […]