
Marc Grynberg, a man of few words

February 11, 2021 Today at 10:41 Umicore CEO Marc Grynberg is leaving Umicore at his peak. Without much fuss or words. That has characterized him throughout his career. In 2006, Grynberg, who studied commercial engineering at Solvay and began his career at DuPont de Nemours in Brussels and Geneva, heads the group’s automotive catalyst division […]


Vriesweer orders domestic heating oil peaks

February 08, 2021 Today at 15:29 The suppliers of fuel oil received a huge number of orders on Monday, their federation reports. “Our members’ telephone is ringing off the hook”, emphasizes Johan Mattart, the general director of the Belgian Federation of Fuel Traders Brafco. ‘We received orders for a whole week in a few hours […]


Exxon and Chevron discussed merger

February 01, 2021 Today at 10:37 The CEOs of the two largest American oil companies Exxon and Chevron spoke with each other about a merger last year. That writes The Wall Street Journal. According to the US business newspaper, the probing talks resulted from the collapse in demand for oil and gas shortly after the […]


Cardboard scarcer and more expensive due to corona

January 29, 2021 Today at 17:27 In several European regions, garbage collectors collect less paper due to the strict corona measures. This makes cardboard 15 percent more expensive. E-commerce packages, egg cartons and other cardboard products are becoming scarcer. Anyone who wants to buy eggs in a Delhaize supermarket today has a high chance of […]


Nyrstar stores energy in giant battery in Balen

January 06, 2021 Today at 17:19 Commodity trader Trafigura is building a giant energy storage battery at the zinc producer Nyrstar’s factory site in Balen. It concerns an investment of 30 million euros. The 25 megawatt lithium ion battery can provide 100 megawatt hours of power in four hours. That corresponds to the consumption of […]