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How to use the science of radionics to control pests in your garden

The interest in organic food and organic gardening has been increasing year after year. It has finally reached critical mass where it has become so common that even Wal-Mart is starting to sell organic products.

Organic farming and gardening must continue to evolve to meet the growing demand for organic products. One of the current challenges is pest control. Research by the New Horizon Trust, a radionics research and training organization, has led to some fascinating advancements in pest control.

Before I get into the details of the techniques, I need to dig a little deeper. Until recently, our Western civilization believed in a strict Newtonian separation between our inner experience and the world around us.

You may have seen two recent movies, “The Secret” and “What the hell do we know?” they have made it quite clear that the observer and the observed are inseparably intertwined. This truth is one of the most surprising discoveries to emerge from quantum physics research.

Of course, it is sometimes difficult for us to understand how interconnected we are with the universe because we are not well equipped for this experience. This is one of the reasons why a science called radionics emerged. Radionics allows us to communicate with the universe through the subtle energy fields that connect us all. You can find good information on radionics at

Radionics instruments consist of a device for tuning to the appropriate subtle field channel, an interface for tactile communication, and an interface where you place an image (or other representation) of what you would like to communicate with.

There are a number of different radionics-type devices. One of the most advanced, the SE-5 Plus, performs the tuning with a small laptop. The touch interface, called the “stick board,” is located next to the computer. The sticky plate is so named because the plate becomes stickier when you rub it if the reading is positive. Also near the computer is a slot for an image or sample.

Now let’s go back to the example about pest control with radionics. There is a great deal of research on the use of radionics for gardening and agriculture, but the following example will give you an idea of ​​what is possible.

You place a sample of soil from the crop or field in the slot provided. The computer can connect to the “portion of the universe” that this sample represents. He then writes his request and enters it on the computer. For example, it might look like this: “ALL CORN DRILLERS LEAVE THIS FIELD NOW SO THIS CROP CAN FLOWER.” Then, follow a short procedure and set the program to run for a specified time.

Using this and similar techniques, it is possible to grow organically and produce high-yielding nutritious crops with excellent storage characteristics. In short, that’s all there is to it. Keep in mind that this method is quick, easy, costs nothing, and is totally organic, as there is no need for chemicals or pesticides.

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