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Past Life Hypnosis – Back in Time – Age Regression

Regardless of what you’ve been told or heard, (most likely by someone who knows nothing about hypnosis and has never experienced it) to successfully experience a hypnotherapy session. You do not having to undergo past life hypnosis, go back in time, or experience age regression. It’s not mandatory; having to remember or visit and experience past life events just to allow you to get over your symptom.

Regression is yet another tool in the hypnotherapist’s toolkit that can be extremely effective, when used by a professional hypnotherapist as a means of therapeutic intervention, at the right time and in the right way.

So what is regression? Basically it is a technique in which a hypnotherapist takes the client back in time, in his subconscious mind, to a time or place, an event or occurrence that actually took place or occurred in his imagination.

Reasons you might consider regression

Why would a hypnotherapist think of using regression? There are several reasons, which can include:

Finding the source of a symptom. You may have had these symptoms for a long time, but you can’t remember when, where, how, or why they started, but you would certainly like to know. Several (at that time) seemingly small and trivial events may have occurred simultaneously to give you the symptom you are experiencing now. Your therapist may recommend that in order to eliminate your symptom, you must identify and analyze each of the small trivial events, the individual components that together represent your symptoms.

Change the way you remember an event from your past. You may have previously experienced a traumatic event, as you remember it in the present, find it upsetting, distressing, or stressful. You may experience feelings of anxiety, loss of self-confidence, or the emotion of disempowerment. The hypnotherapist may bring you back to that moment, giving you the opportunity to change the way you remember that particular event and how you reacted to it.

An example might be that you remember being scared when you were young by a visit to the hated dentist. That feeling of helplessness that you felt then contributes greatly to your phobia and fear of dental treatment that you experience in the present. Returning to that moment, only now, will you be instructed to remember it differently, you can have the power to feel safe and not have that overwhelming sense of helplessness. Gaining self-empowerment in the past allows you to bring that power to the present and conquer that main element of your phobia.

Remembering an event from your past. You have hidden a valuable jewel in (what at that time seemed) a very safe, protected and memorable place, unfortunately, with the passage of time that safe place, surely it has turned out to be not so memorable, in fact, now you can not remember! where the hell have you hidden it! Through regression, you can step back to that precise time and place, re-experience the moment, and vividly retrace your steps back to that safe and secure hiding place to claim your treasure.

Suppression of a past traumatic event. Have you avoided experiencing emotions associated with a particularly traumatic event from your past, a bereavement, the breakdown of a relationship, the loss of a long-loved pet? Unfortunately, those emotions were locked deep inside her, intensifying her symptom in the current moment. The therapist can use a regression technique that allows you to re-experience that moment and event, only now you can show those pent-up emotions in a safe and secure environment. Now, since those pent-up emotions are no longer locked in, the symptom should run out of fuel and disappear.

Accessing the good feelings from your past. You realize that until very recently you were always ultra focused when playing squash. But lately his game has become sloppy, he lacks that advantage, his clinical result once seems to have given him up, he is now playing a very poor game by his own high standards.

By bringing you back to the time when you had those essential feelings of concentration and ultra-focus through the use of regression techniques, the hypnotherapist can once again allow you to regain those feelings of invincibility, experience those emotions of victory, and bring them back to the present. and allows you to get your game back.

Through regression, experiencing past life hypnosis, and allowing yourself to go back in time, you can gain invaluable insight into what happened before. In addition, with such perception, you are given a level of self-control over your symptom. Once you take control, it’s a fairly simple step to work your way up to finally getting rid of your symptom.

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