
Tropical Rainforest Birds – White-crested Turaco

Name of the bird:

White crested turaco

Latin name:

Tauraco leucolophus


Least concern

Scientific classification:

Animal Kingdom
Edge: Chordata
Class: Birds
Order: Cuculiformes
Family: Musophagidae
Gender: Tauraco
Species: T. leucolophus

General information:

The white-crested turaco is an African bird. It has the unique quality of having a true pigment color. The bright colors of most birds are due to the refraction of light by their feather structures. When mixed with water, Turacos feathers will dye the water. This pigmentation also allows them to maintain their color throughout the year.

Physical description:

White-crested turacos are between 15 and 18 inches long. They are colorful, long-tailed, green and blue birds with crimson primary feathers that look good in flight. They have a white crest, chin, neck and nape. The sexes are similar.


This species feeds on fruits, seeds, leaves, flowers, and occasionally invertebrates.


White-crested turacos have a wide African distribution and are considered common. They are residents from southeastern Nigeria to northern Uganda, southwestern Sudan, and western Kenya. Its habitat is in evergreen forests and wooded valleys, as well as dry scrub areas. They nest in trees, where they can build a platform out of twigs.


The Turaco is monogamous. The laying is 2 to 3 white eggs. Incubation lasts 21 to 24 days and the hatchlings fledge after only 10 to 12 days. Both parents contribute to incubation, rearing, and feeding.

The chicks feed mainly on fruits. The young leave the nest before they can fly and climb the tree. Turacos have strong claws on their wings to allow for this habit.

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