1 strange exercise to reduce abdominal fat quickly
Health Fitness

1 strange exercise to reduce abdominal fat quickly

Life is fast these days. People work more, play more, and expect more from their lives. Let’s face it: Under those conditions, it’s no wonder that the quest to lose belly fat has many people frustrated and overwhelmed. There is so much information.

Read the myriad of articles on how to get sexy toned abs on the web and you’ll find conflicting opinions and a lot of guesswork, but not much hard data or foolproof methods. However, there are some gems among the rubble that will help you in the race for a trim waist. I’m going to share one of the key findings I discovered: a strange exercise to reduce belly fat that is practically guaranteed to skyrocket your results.

But first, let’s talk about the 3 basic elements of any strategy for getting a lean and ripped six pack:

* A smart eating plan: Eliminate processed foods and refined sugars. Eat appropriate amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and fat at each meal. Eat 4 to 6 meals a day.
* A smart training plan: eliminate stupid and boring cardio work. Move to total-body training programs with compound (multi-joint) movements and use high-intensity interval cardio several times a week
* A smart approach to hydration: Water ensures our biological systems function optimally; it also helps your stomach feel fuller. Drink more water.

Without these 3 elements in place you are cactus. Your belly fat stays exactly where it is no matter how you exercise to reduce belly flab. You have to have all three working together to flatten your stomach and still find time to live a normal life.

Once you’ve got those three items cooking really well, the next little tip will be the icing on your sundae to burn off belly flab (if only there was such a thing). I discovered this tip myself on my own journey, when I was trying to use exercise to reduce belly fat. I did have some success, but it wasn’t until I put the 3 key elements in place and applied this secret to my success strategy that I really noticed my waistline start to tone and firm rapidly.

“What could Hamish have done to have such an impact?” you are thinking. “Please tell me, Hamish, what’s that weird little belly-fat-reducing exercise you’re talking about?”

It’s okay, I’ll tell you. But first I have to make a confession: It’s not really an exercise in the traditional sense, not like a crunch or sit-up. My advice is more like a daily practice or habit.

Here it is: I kept a food journal. I wrote everything I ate. Doesn’t sound like much right? But let me explain how this is a brilliant exercise to reduce belly fat.

Most people eat unconsciously. They eat while driving, they eat while they work, they eat while they watch TV or talk with friends. When you eat while doing something else, the brain forgets to focus on the food and guess what happens: you eat too much without even knowing it.

Recording what you eat makes eating mindful and makes you more responsible for your nutrition. I found out as soon as I started keeping a found journal, I discovered all the ways I was sneaking extra calories into my diet (too many calories and you’ll never lose belly fat). I was taking an extra bite of this and a handful of that and a sip of the other and my belly was still as big as ever. I wasn’t getting anywhere even though I was working really hard exercising to lose belly fat.

A simple way to keep a food journal is to figure out what you’re going to eat the night before, write it down in your journal or on your iPhone/iPad or calendar, and then mark it off as you go. Be sure to stick to what is written in your journal and highlight when you fall off the wagon to help identify where you might need some support or change your habits in some way. Keeping a food diary sets you up for success because measurement allows you to better manage your eating and be more realistic about how much food you’re actually eating.

I found my journal helpful because I was able to reward myself with a pat on the back when I had eaten well and I was also able to make better decisions after recognizing patterns of behavior that went against my goal of flattening my stomach and having a defined abdomen. six pack.

So there you have it 1 weird exercise to reduce belly fat that isn’t really an exercise at all, but is crucial to success nonetheless. I hope that helps.


If you want more information about exercise to reduce belly fatthen please read below:

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