
Bluey – Oldest Australian Cattle Dog on Record

The oldest dog on record was an Australian Cattle Dog named Bluey. Bluey lived almost 30 years. That figure is in human years. Mature dogs faster than humans. According to canine age experts, a one-year-old dog is about 15 years old in equivalent human years. The average life expectancy of the Australian The cattle dog […]

Shopping Product Reviews

Squeezing blood from a beet

You can’t get blood from a turnip, but you can get blood from a beet. In fact, you have to be careful with beets. They bruise easily despite their tough appearance and release juices from the slightest scratch. Beet juice will stain your clothes and it is very difficult, if not impossible, to remove. Why […]

Arts Entertainments

The rear and responsibility

We are just a few weeks into the fall soccer season. Millions of rabid soccer fans will dump food and drinks into their favorite vehicle and head to the soccer stadium parking lots. When they arrive, grills will come out, tables and chairs will be set up, team flags and banners will be hoisted, and […]