Legal Law

My Unique Mediation Practice: An Amicable Divorce, Do You Think It’s Impossible? Think again

Academically, professionally, and personally, I have spent the past twenty years studying marriage and divorce. Today, I teach mediation, mediate divorces, and provide document preparation services. Almost all of my clients have chosen to go through their divorces without (unrepresented) attorneys and come to us before any paperwork has been filed with the court. It […]

Lifestyle Fashion

Using carrot juice to relieve constipation

Carrot juice Carrot juices contain certain oils that act on the mucous membranes of the stomach and colon. This helps with digestion and makes your intestines work properly. Carrots are rich in fiber and beta-carotene, an antioxidant that the body converts into vitamin A. Carrots can make stools softer and larger. Why are larger stools […]


The hero of the family, gold "Morticia and the psychiatrist"

Remember the wonderfully crazy and ghoulish Addams family? (“They’re creepy and eccentric, mysterious and creepy / They’re all together ooky …”) They were the anti-Partridge family, the fabulously wicked reverse Brady Bunch, with two hideous children, Wednesday (as in “Wednesday’s Boy is Full of Sorrows,” and his partner in crime Pugsley, who has a unique […]

Real Estate

Real estate investing: a smarter approach

Although most financial planners advise their clients, investing in real estate should be a central component of an overall investment strategy, it is important to fully consider personal needs, limitations, goals and priorities best ways, proceed and invest wisely, for one’s general and personal financial situation. Some invest in real estate, passively, buying shares in […]


Iraqi investigative report blames leaders

The parents of British military men and women killed or injured as a result of the war in Iraq have won a legal investigation launched to assess their legitimacy. He found out that Britain’s prime minister at the time, Tony Blair, was persuaded by the president of the United States, George W. Bush, at least […]

Arts Entertainments

AAFL – Other American Football League

With the growing anticipation surrounding the new AAFL, is the United States ready for another football league? Tea All American football league he thinks so. What is? Football by any other name. The AAFL hopes to attract soccer fans who need an outlet for professional soccer in the NFL offseason. What is the attraction? In […]