
Mercedes-Benz, a touch of class

90 years ago, Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler founded the brand “Mercedes-Benz” in Stuttgart, Germany. After the First World War, the economy was so affected that the idea of ​​merging and building a society was seen as something that surpassed climatic obstacles. DMG and Benz & Cie., The two largest automobile manufacturers in the world, […]


The Sound of Music Bluray Review

The Sound of Music was not one of my parents’ favorite things, so consequently, I don’t have fond childhood memories like I do of the Wizard of Oz or Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, which were always Christmas perennials in our house. . When I was a teenager, I can remember that every time the movie […]


National Cashiers Week

There are three types of people who frequent supermarkets. There’s the unpleasant, rude, whiny, angry, demanding shopper, then there’s the happy shopper, and finally there’s the cashiers … those underpaid public servants who stand behind a counter all day and demand you give them money. And I know this why? I’ve been there, I’ve done […]

Tours Travel

10 cosas que hacer en Staten Island

Staten Island El verano está aquí, y eso significa que es hora de comenzar a pensar en planificar unas vacaciones a Staten Island. Staten Island se encuentra en la costa este del estado de Nueva York, y es el municipio más grande de la ciudad de Staten Island. La isla fue elegida como el lugar […]