4 things cats really hate

4 things cats really hate

Cats hate being lonely

Many people think that cats are solitary creatures, but they are not. While cats can be left alone longer than dogs, kitties also crave love, attention, and companionship just like our other humans or furry pets. When left alone for a long, long time, they can become sad, lethargic, and worse, depressed.

Even if they are too busy, cat owners should spend quality time with their pet. You can set aside 15 minutes to play with them from time to time to keep them happy and healthy. Another solution is to adopt another feline, to always keep him company.

Cats hate dirty litter boxes.

Whether at home or in public, people don’t like to use a dirty toilet, which is disgusting. Actually, cats feel that way too when it comes to dirty litter boxes.

That said, cat litter boxes should be cleaned every other day, or better yet, every day. This depends on the number of cats and their grooming habits. If they don’t like cleaning up poop every day, they can invest in a self-cleaning litter box.

Cleaning a liter box isn’t just about picking up poop. How often the litter is replaced depends on the type of litter used, how often it is collected, and the number of cats in the household.

Cats hate spoiled food

Cats, just like people, hate digging through spoiled food. First of all, spoiled food smells and tastes bad and worst of all; it is harmful to your health. When food is exposed for a long time, especially in hot weather, bacteria such as Salmonella and Staphylococcus can grow.

Every time you buy or serve food to your cat, it is important to check the expiration dates on wet and dry food. In case your cat leaves a lot of food, you may need to assess how much he really needs to eat. They can consult a veterinarian to find out how much to feed them, based on their breed, age, size, and activities.

Cats hate disgusting medicine

When people feel sick, they need to take some medicine no matter how gross it tastes. Cats also feel the same way when they take their medication. Most of them foam inside the mouth, let the pill sit in the esophagus, and then spit it out.

Whatever type of medicine cats need to take, whether it’s to treat a cold, an infection, or a chronic condition that needs to be managed continuously, the experience should be more pleasurable for them.

You can train your cat to be comfortable by holding her face and mouth, giving her a reward like a small treat, giving her the medication to associate it with something positive. Finally, they can set a schedule for administering medications so cats know when to expect medication to be administered.

If administering pills still helps them, soft treats that have pockets to hold pills will do the trick.

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