5 Ways Outdoor Adventure Links to Entrepreneurship

5 Ways Outdoor Adventure Links to Entrepreneurship

When I first dared to embark on the path of entrepreneurship, I was soon faced with a daunting question: Do I have the qualities to be an entrepreneur?

I am purely an outdoor educator. There were numerous cases where people told me that this passion of mine will not get me far. But here I am, to this day, staying stubbornly passionate about this hobby of mine.

So I took a step back to see if I have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. And I found 5 key qualities. Are here:

1. Decision making

Being outdoors forces me to make decisions. This is especially so when I have a group of participants. There are countless decisions to make before, during, and after a program.

For example, have I worked out all the contingency plans? Have I brought enough food and equipment?

As an entrepreneur, I have to make countless decisions. There is no one to tell you what to do.

2. Assumption of risks

I have to be used to taking risks outdoors. If I don’t risk falling, I won’t know how high I can climb. If I don’t risk making the wrong decision at an intersection, I won’t know if that’s the right way to go.

I have started some businesses. Some worked while others failed. But still, I wouldn’t have known all this if I hadn’t tried.

3. Security awareness

However, people often misunderstand that being a risk taker means that we don’t care about security. Outdoors, the safety factor has been considered several times.

A climbing rope, for example, could support about 12 times the weight of the average climber. Safety procedures are everywhere. Where there is none, we are taught to make conservative judgments.

The reason I don’t focus on just one business is based on the wise saying: Don’t put ALL your eggs in one basket. There has to be a safety net.

4. Perseverance

This is classic nature from an outdoor adventurer. We are used to holding on. We know that words do not count without actions. And the effort required is usually superhuman. We are trained to go far.

Nobody said that being an entrepreneur is easy. It took me 6 months before I made my first dollar. Fortunately I have been trained to persevere.

5. Creativity

Facing trouble is a staple diet of an outdoor adventurer. No day or activity is the same. Therefore, we have to always think outside the box. Talk about being a hipster. I myself am amazed at what I or my participants do to solve problems.

I started with minimal capital. Therefore, I needed to be creative in planning my effort, energy, and money. Be creative in using the many software that works for me instead of the other way around.

These 5 inherent qualities of an outdoor adventurer definitely fit the bill for being an entrepreneur. Well, if you’re lucky, you could turn passion into your profession. If not, you sure would have acquired enough tools to run a business!

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