7 Benefits of a Candida Cleanse
Lifestyle Fashion

7 Benefits of a Candida Cleanse

Candida Albicans yeast is an organism that lives harmlessly inside all of us. However, if you allow it to, it will mutate into an aggressive fungus that has the potential to destroy your health. Cleaning your body of Candida has a number of health benefits which are explained below.

1. Yeast infections are a problem for 75% of women at least once in their lives. Cleaning your body of yeast will help prevent a yeast infection from happening. Without any fungus in your body, your friendly bacteria can thrive and keep your intestines and vagina healthy.

2. Candida harms your digestion. The first signs of an intestinal candidiasis are digestive problems such as gas and bloating. Candida causes these symptoms because they kill off friendly bacteria that are needed for proper digestion. Indigestion, bloating, and gas are signs of excessive Candida activity in the intestines.

3. Your immune system gets a boost with a yeast-free body. Friendly bacteria are the foundation of a healthy immune system, and your body cannot have a healthy colony of friendly bacteria if your intestines are overcrowded with yeast.

4. Regular bowel movements are an important part of your health, and too much yeast in your digestive tract can cause constipation. Because your digestion is affected, your food is not digested properly so everything slows down and then constipation can set in. Friendly bacteria speed food transit and keep bowls moving regularly.

5 Your friendly bacteria keep your intestines clean so you can absorb nutrients from your food much more efficiently. Candida Albicans yeast only feeds on the food you eat, thus robbing it of nutrients, and also allowing other microorganisms to populate your intestines that also rob you of important nutrients.

6. Many people suffer from sugar cravings because the yeast in their body is sugar loving. This triggers sugar cravings because your sugar is robbed and you want to eat more. As you feed the yeast more, the yeast population grows so it needs to crave more sugar. Eliminating the yeast will reduce and eventually eliminate sugar cravings.

7. A flatter stomach is another benefit of a Candida cleanse. Bloating can make your stomach look fat when the bulge is caused by gas in your intestines.

As you can see, there are many benefits to your body from the elimination of the mutated Candida Albicans yeast. The mutated yeast in your body doesn’t have a single health benefit, and your body functions better in every way when it’s removed.

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