A healthy diet and stretch mark creams can keep your skin supple, smooth and strong.
Health Fitness

A healthy diet and stretch mark creams can keep your skin supple, smooth and strong.

Stretch marks have the unfortunate characteristic of appearing at any time in our lives. This means that you must take proper care of your skin so that these marks do not form. It also means that you need to be concerned about any period in your life when you may experience major weight loss or gain.

There are 3 times in your life when you should be ready to combat stretch marks: growth spurt during adolescence, severe weight loss or gain, and pregnancy. There are certain aspects of these situations that you can and cannot control, but you can, however, establish a skin care routine that can keep your skin supple enough to resist excessive stretching.

Growth spurts and stretch marks

No one has any way of knowing when a child will go through a growth spurt. In this case, it is important to do everything possible to promote healthy skin. The main way to do this is to maintain a healthy diet and use a skin care product or stretch mark cream to strengthen the skin.

Weight problems and stretch marks

These marks are more frequently associated with weight than with any other situation. The truth is that not everyone who gains or loses a lot of weight has to deal with stretch marks. But, if one or both of your parents have stretch marks, chances are you will too, regardless of your weight issues.

To reduce the chances of getting these marks due to weight problems, it is vital that you maintain a healthy diet rich in fiber. Fiber-rich foods will give you a feeling of fullness with less food.

Stretch mark creams can also help prevent and remove marks caused by overstretching the skin. Some people also use home microdermabrasion creams to help gradually remove stretch marks.

pregnancy and stretch marks

Pregnancy is the only time in life when most women allow themselves to eat to their heart’s content, however, eating more than 300 extra calories a day can lead to permanent weight gain. Try to stick to healthy foods and avoid junk food.

Using a stretch mark cream during pregnancy can keep the skin supple and minimize the chance of developing stretch marks. This can also help you prevent the appearance of postpartum stretch marks.

Microdermabrasion systems and creams are also a good option for new mothers. They can be used at any time of the day and as often as necessary.

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