
Adopt a healthy diet to extend your life: simple but not easy

Your mother was right

Vegetables are the basis of a good diet. A recent 15-month study of 2,000 subjects found that those with the highest intake of fruits and vegetables had a 70% lower risk of heart attack and other heart problems. (This was reported in the electronic alert from the Institute of Health Sciences, which sends free emails.)

Raw is preferable, of course. Keep in mind that we did not evolve to eat cooked food and that our primitive ancestors lived on a raw food diet for millions of years. If you are not prepared to eat everything raw, at least make sure to eat a salad before eating cooked food. This will make your enzymes perk up so that they can better cope with the cooked foods that follow.

There are many different salad combinations. A wide variety should be eaten: dark green lettuces (not head lettuces), cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, beets (beets), bell peppers of all colors (bell peppers for Americans), red onions, and any other veggie you like. Chop, mash or dice them in various combinations. Arugula, coriander (coriander), parsley, and any number of potted green herbs are great additions and provide calcium that your body can assimilate, other valuable minerals, and great flavor.

Eat a large salad with most of these vegetables and herbs every day. Because they give an attractive texture, add an avocado cut into chunks and a small amount of virgin olive oil, as well as a dash of lemon. Then, and this really makes it delicious and crunchy, sprinkle two tablespoons of the seeds over the salad. The result is so abundant that it will keep you active all day. (Instructions for preparing the seeds are below). Please do your best to use organic vegetables for their life-saving minerals and vitamins. For a seasoning, use A. Vogel’s Trocomare and Herbamare.

Another great way to consume lots of raw vegetables is to drink a glass of carrots, celery, beets, parsley, cucumber, etc. freshly squeezed, as well as whatever veggies are available. The organically raised raw egg is delicious, mixed with the juice. Add maca, minerals, and rosehip granules and mix it all together for a nutritious and filling meal.

Most people are not ready to go the raw route. For those, it’s a good idea to eat a wide variety of steamed vegetables, with a special emphasis on zucchini, celery, and green beans, the three vegetables that cleanse the liver. Combined in a soup and mixed together, they make a great detoxifier known as Bieler Broth in honor of Dr. Bieler. Potatoes, steamed or baked, and seasoned with herbs and butter, chives, shallots, or chopped red onions (raw or cooked), are a delicious and hearty addition to a plant-based meal. For the few allergic to nightshade vegetables (potatoes, peppers, tomatoes and aubergines) special care is needed. And don’t forget Dr. Bieler’s soup if you or a family member feel toxic.

Delight of nature

Fresh and raw fruit can be prepared in many ways – you are only limited by your imagination. Fruit salads are delicious, especially if you include bananas for their thickness. Fruit sauces can be made to drizzle over the salad, mixing various fruits with avocado and / or frozen bananas. The addition of nuts, especially dates, creates a rich sauce. Sprinkle some nuts on fruit salads, although they are not an ideal combination, the nutritional value is there.

Fruit smoothies are great on warm days and make a lovely treat for kids. Use fruit juice or make almond milk (instructions below) and put it in the blender with frozen banana and any other frozen or fresh fruit you want. Just remember: when freezing fruits, they must be very ripe and the hard skins must be removed first. Cut frozen fruit into chunks before blending. For a change, you may want to add a raw egg before mixing, but make sure of the purity of the eggs you buy. Frozen mango and banana, mixed until smooth, makes delicious ice cream and will not shorten its life.

Try drying your own fruit. Each season, boxes of ripe mango, banana and pineapple are obtained, taking care that they are extremely sweet. A dehydrator makes this easy, but they can also be dried on baking sheets in a regular oven, turned on, but not higher, to preserve the enzymes. The great advantage of this is that sulfur and possibly dirty conditions used during commercial drying are eliminated. Dehydrators should be set to 40 degrees Celsius or lower, or 100 degrees Fahrenheit or lower, so the enzymes are not destroyed. If you use an oven, be careful that the fruit does not get moldy.

Dehydrators can be used to prepare delicious snacks. As just one example, soaked ground almonds can be mixed with soaked (and drained) dates and orange juice to form a paste that can then be spread out on a dehydrator tray, using a blank. To prevent sticking, a small amount of coconut oil should first be spread on the blank. Pat dry until desired consistency, crisp or smooth. Let your imagination create other delicacies or check out the many recipe books available for dehydrating food.

Don’t neglect your protein

If you are a vegetarian you will have to learn how to prepare nuts so that the anti-enzymatic factor is eliminated. When selecting nuts, make sure they are not rancid and use as wide a variety as possible. However, do not use cashews or peanuts as they are unhealthy. Put all the nuts in a large bowl and add more than enough water to cover, so that when they swell they are still covered. Put enough good quality sea salt in the water to make it taste noticeably salty. Let them soak overnight or longer. Drain in a colander, then put in a dehydrator until dry and crisp. Keep the temperature low to preserve the enzymes; It will take about two days before they are ready, depending on the temperature and humidity of the room. If you don’t have a dehydrator, the nuts can be dried on cookie sheets in an oven set to the ON position, not higher, and will need to be stirred occasionally.

Almonds must be handled separately. Let them soak overnight and the next day place them in extremely warm water to loosen the skin, which can then be easily removed. The skin contains oxalic acid, which should be avoided. They can then be added to the dryer, along with the other nuts. If you want to make almond milk, just mix with juice or water until smooth. Almonds contain easily assimilated calcium and should be used frequently.

When drying the seeds, you may prefer to keep them separate from the nuts, as they are small and tend to “get lost.” The salad addition mentioned above is made up of pepitas (pumpkin seeds), sunflower seeds, and pine nuts. Dry them using the nut drying technique, draining through a colander instead of a colander, and sprinkle them over cooked vegetable or veggie salads, or use in other creative ways.

Before our oceans were so polluted, fish was a great form of healthy protein and oils. No more, now they are contaminated with mercury. Farmed fish are the worst of all, so don’t trust them. Because they are small, sardines are believed to be mercury-free, and if you use only those packed in water, they can be a tasty addition to salads and other dishes, as well as a safe way to get calcium, protein, and the good oils. sardines contain.

If you eat red meat, grill it, broil it, or lightly sauté it. Absolutely never grill meat, or anything else – charred food is the most cancer eating. And please, never eat meat that has been injected and fed with grains. Grass-fed is the only safe meat. The same rules apply to chickens. If you don’t like roasting or broiling, slow cooked chicken pieces in coconut oil are delicious. Don’t be skin-phobic, it should be kept on. Eat meat in moderation, as a condiment, rather than as a main dish. Eggs are a fine protein, especially when eaten raw, but they must be from poultry and must be fresh.

It is impossible to be healthy if you eat the wrong fats and oils. If you feel like frying, use coconut oil. It is healthy and delicious. But remember, it is essential to take good quality food enzymes when eating cooked foods.

Once you’ve established the rules above and adhered to them for a while, you’ll find that eating healthy is easier than it sounds. The secret is Keep it simple. You will discover such improvements in well-being that your efforts will pay off. The trick here is to forget about fancy recipes and stick to the principles of safe food preparation. You will be infinitely stronger and healthier and you will live decades longer. Remember: some of us are quickly stuck due to poor food choices, while some can defy the odds for years because they were born tough. But no one, not even you, can get away with ignoring the laws of nature in the long run.

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