Ancient Greek Chinese in yurts – how could this be?

Ancient Greek Chinese in yurts – how could this be?

So, here you are in an antique shop in a town far north of Athens, but still in Greece, in Macedonia. holding two figurines: one of a Greek Amazon warrior, the other a model of a Persian princess, and you wonder what these two have in common. You ask the shopkeeper and he sits you down and makes you a cup of tea and the story of him begins.

He tells you about his old grandmother in the time of Alexander the Great, and then he tells you the most amazing story of his life and he needs someone to tell it and understand it. He recently met the most amazing relative he could ever have imagined.

Your beautiful young distant cousin is visiting from thousands of miles east of this eastern stronghold of Western Europe and the civilization that came from here. She lives in the east in the middle of great Asia, she is golden, but she says that we shared blood a long time ago. A medical team from Athens took a sample of her tongue from me and said: mine and hers match, on our maternal side.

The old east has met the new west again. His cousin from East Central Asia came to visit his village and, he hoped, some unknown relatives. We, like her, marvel at the thought that she is the serene renewal of her long unproven legend of her Amazonian female ancestors, and these two distant cousins ​​who look so different prove that their grandmothers survived and thrived. The Amazons did not prevail with any victory over the Persian fleet. The romantic legend of her lived and lives again…

And while our modern descendant of warrior blood and her Greek cousin smile shyly at each other. we can marvel that from this little corner of southeastern Europe, while the peoples of the north and west were still coming out of the caves and down from the trees, these people who lived in mansions with Grecian columns were met with far superior and elegant buildings of what they had seen.

However, Greece brought ideals of democracy that pervade Western Asia to this day. Alexander’s name is mentioned with respect as his brief reign was honest and beneficial to most. Many young men up the Indus River in the Punjab are named Alexander, or Roxanne, his wife from Persia.

The saying may have arisen when so many languages ​​and cultures adapted to Greek ideals over such a vast area, that any new law was entirely Greek to me. There’s that fascinating feeling for Westerners that this is where it all started. When they were granted their own ship, to be operated entirely by Amazons, it was a great honor, and they were treated like royalty before setting off to defend Athens, once again, from mighty Persia.

Unfortunately, it was not to be. In all records of this period, the mighty navy of Persia swept the Amazon ship northward away from Greece, past Byzantium and onto the eastern shores of the Black Sea, where they fought their way east and into history.

Western researchers recently took a sample from the tongue of a lovely girl living in a yurt in central Asia, with a few streaks of blonde in her black hair. The very pretty Mongolian face of hers has blue eyes. She was featured on TV recently, she was so proud when the swab came back from Germany.

She is of Amazon blood. How proudly she was presented and she rode the white pony, her mighty white horse hers like Alexander, around the circle of the town, the rest of her cheering her on, her smile so radiant from her. She and they knew that she was a princess from the time of Alexander the Great, whose legendary wife Roxanne hailed from southern lands, they all knew.

And now she has followed the path of her greatest grandmother back to her maternal roots. Our new little Roxanne should be celebrated, in net low bid auctions still saying darling she look how much we love you.

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