Are simultaneous presentations a good idea?

Are simultaneous presentations a good idea?

On the question of simultaneous submissions, I am afraid that I cannot give a definitive answer. As an editor, I am not enamored with the idea of ​​an author sending me a manuscript that is currently floating among several other sleet heaps. However, as an author, I am tempted to cast a wide net for my book and hope that someone will bite. The idea of ​​waiting for a publisher to deliver a book before sending it to another publisher can be daunting for authors, especially if a favorite publisher takes a year to decide.

I have read stories of books that were rejected by a publisher years after being accepted and published elsewhere. It’s fun to read, yes, but when one looks at simultaneous submissions from two different perspectives, as I have the ability to do, one will know that there can be serious repercussions for violating the wishes of an editor or publisher. As with any aspect of the publishing industry, there are pros and cons to submitting a book to multiple publishers at once, and there are things authors need to know about publishers before submitting.

In addition to producing quality fiction and nonfiction in ebook, trade, and/or hardcover format, a book publisher is ultimately in the business of selling books and making money. To stay in business, the publisher must be judicious in selecting which manuscripts to include in their catalogues. Depending on one’s budget, a publisher can offer between five titles a year and five titles a week. Consequently, the speed at which an editor reads and evaluates manuscripts may vary depending on their publication schedule. Typically, a publisher will announce in their submission guidelines how long an author must wait for a response, but there are always circumstances that can arise and force delays.

As an author, I can network with others who want answers now, so they can prepare for publication or prepare the manuscript to send to another prospect. I’ve also learned, too, that impatience can backfire on an author. Once, when given a choice between submitting a story as part of an anthology or submitting it alone to another publisher, I chose the latter because I wanted to see the story published. Long story short, the last publisher went out of business and the anthology was accepted and published without my story. My work remains unpublished. Sometimes it pays to be patient.

It is acceptable for most publishers to submit a query after a sufficient amount of time has passed. If, for example, a publisher announces a 120-day turnaround time, a message after that time frame can alert you to the status of your manuscript. As for whether or not it’s acceptable to submit to multiple publishers at once, here are a few things to consider:

1) If a publisher specifies that simultaneous submissions are not allowed, please take this into consideration. Reading a manuscript for possible publication is an investment of time and, in some cases, money. Some publishers use volunteer readers for evaluation, some take on the work themselves, while others hire readers to separate the wheat from the chaff. As such, some publishers may wish to preserve that investment in the knowledge that they have exclusive readership for a job they may wish to hire.

Having said that, an author may be tempted to post elsewhere anyway, if only to hedge their bets. If one editor passes while another accepts, no harm is done. However, if there is a possibility that two editors want the work, and both editors have requested exclusive readings, there is a problem. While this dilemma can be remedied simply by refusing the contract with Publisher A without explanation, you will risk being found out when your book is published with Publisher B. Some publishers have a long memory and Publisher A may not be as good at it. accommodating in case you send something else to them.

2) If you make a simultaneous presentation, let the editor know. If a publisher allows simultaneous submissions, the author should kindly advise if a manuscript is submitted to more than one publisher. There may be a chance that one publisher will expedite your manuscript for review if there is a chance that another will claim it. If you’re a quality writer with a history of good sales, you may be in the enviable position of having some bargaining power.

3) If you accept a contract for a book that has not yet been published with other publishers, notify the other publishers immediately! The last thing an editor wants to do is waste time. An important aspect of the book business is production. Especially with the romance industry, books are coming out at a steady pace and the publisher doesn’t want to spend time revising a manuscript that isn’t possible. This can work against an author who wishes to submit to a publisher at a later date (remember what I said about publishers having long memories).

Think carefully before considering simultaneous sends. Weigh the consequences and prepare for each scenario. Keep track of each publisher who has the manuscript and follow up accordingly when deadlines have passed and when offers are made. As long as you follow the instructions of each publisher you contact, chances are you’ll make a good impression, regardless of whether you’re hired or not. This may bode well for your future writing career.

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