Authors Lifetime of knowledge
Health Fitness

Authors Lifetime of knowledge

I have gone through everything I have talked about in these articles in hopes of bringing about changes that will bring a more balanced life for our people. I’ve been through the mill when it comes to life. I have gone days without eating when I was young. Your belly grows from the need for food. I felt so weak that I could barely stand up from lack of food. I had cold sweats and almost passed out from not eating. Hunger is something no child should feel. You want to really know what hunger feels like going a day or two without eating, then I think more people will understand the need for better government to work for all people. People who have never been poor take the time to really see what it feels like to be poor.

Wear clothes that make you stand out in public schools Kids call you a pig and worse because you always had to wear the same clothes over and over to school. Kids have ways of making poor kids feel like dirt. If people really want to find out, send your rich, middle-class kids to a mostly black school in old clothes for a few days and see what their reaction will be. I was so sick and tired of being called dirty white names that I haven’t been back to school since sixth grade. Send your hungry kids to school with a spaghetti sandwich. That’s what being really poor is all about.

I spent my early teen years running around the streets, drinking and trying as many drugs as possible. He was hardly ever home sometimes. I have lived in drug houses where the only thing that matters is how high a person can go. I was lucky to survive these years, some of the children I met were not so lucky. Think that this is not true, take the time to walk through any poor neighborhood. There people will find drugs and street gangs of children who were discarded by their parents. Young girls who become prostitutes because they can’t write or spell, much less have a job.

I mean really see the hopeless life and death that happens in daily life, then come and tell me this country doesn’t need real change. These older gang leaders only get control of these kids because some parent has thrown his own flesh and blood in the trash. This is the daily reality of everyday life in the poor parts of life.

Try to think how you would feel if you were your child, and then tell me this country doesn’t need real change. Then when I went to work, I had to work so many hours just to eat and get dressed. I think of all the times I went to work with injuries that prevented most people from returning to work. Once a kid hit me on the back of the legs in a car, I felt like someone had cut my legs off. I couldn’t afford proper medical care, so I went to work in pain. I have done this over and over again in my life. Now tell me no real change is needed in our country. This is how a poor man lives without proper medical care.

Think about how you would deal with daily life like this and then tell me there is no need for a national health plan to cover poor people who have lived with this daily stress for years. I wonder when I will get sick and have no way to pay for proper medical care. So much change is needed in our country to stop the growth of people who are going to have to live like this. I could solve all these problems with just the waste of money that happens in our government.

Change has to be part of our next election or this issue will be part of more people’s lives. I have watched these problems worsen for thirty years. The population of the poor is growing every year, our rural people and our government have to commit to changing this growing problem.

Anyone trying to believe these issues aren’t real, please take the time to come out and see for yourself and then say it’s not my problem. Remember this could be your family if we don’t work together to change this growing problem.

As always I write with respect.

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