Bang For Your Buck: Accredited Online Master’s Degree
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Bang For Your Buck: Accredited Online Master’s Degree

Inevitably, all college students think about attending graduate school, whether it’s in a traditional setting or an accredited online master’s program. There are many reasons why some students consider this option. Maybe their chosen career requires a more advanced degree, maybe they want to do their own research, or lastly, and surprisingly true, many students decide to attend graduate school simply because they don’t want to enter the workforce. However, a master’s program is not just another round of classes intended to “complete” the student, as a bachelor’s degree is required to be in the US.

What some students need to know is that not all careers require such a high level of education. Experience in a particular field is often more valuable than institutionalized education. On the contrary, there are careers that require a master’s degree. It would be of great benefit to the college student, not only to find out if graduate school is necessary, but also to decide whether to attend an accredited online master’s program or a basic school if necessary. So can you find a high-paying job without a master’s degree?

Careers that do not require a master’s degree:

  • Engineers- Graduates with a bachelor’s degree can land well-paying entry-level jobs in engineering fields. Having an additional two-year engineering technician license is also a great option to consider. You can find engineers working in government and private companies, on natural resource or man-made projects. Many undergraduate engineering students have a major in a certain area, such as mechanical engineering.
  • Financial Analysts – A financial analyst works closely with a business or corporation by examining its finances and budget, then suggesting ways to maximize and improve profit margins. They also project the influences that any changes in reporting or other financial analysis would have.
  • Air traffic controller – According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are three ways to pursue a career in this field without a graduate degree. Relevant to this topic is a requirement of four years of college and three years of “progressively responsible full-time work experience,” or a combination. If hired, the candidate receives rigorous training from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
  • Dietary- This particular career focuses on food and nutrition science and works closely with people. For entry-level positions, a bachelor’s degree is required and work experience will determine advancement. Dietitians may work for the government, nursing homes, hospitals, and private offices.

Careers that need a master’s degree:

  • Business Administration – If you want to be considered for managerial positions within a company, then having an MBA is essential. However, work experience is certainly on par with what employers look for in a candidate. Therefore, attending an accredited online master’s program can provide you with a way to do both.
  • Computer’s science- With the fast-paced technological age we live in, those with a master’s degree in computer science can ride the wave. These men and women work in all kinds of positions in computer and IT companies, from networking to security. Earning your accredited online master’s degree in this field allows you to further your career without having to take a break from work to do so.
  • Professor- In most cases, their teachers at the university have at least a master’s degree and, at most, several doctorates. In order to teach a class in their subject, teachers must demonstrate competence in their area and be able to convey that information to students. In whatever area you’d like to teach, whether it’s English or biology, earning an accredited online master’s degree in these fields can help you land the job.
  • Public Safety and Emergency Management –People who are interested in working for agencies like FEMA, or for their state government in law enforcement positions, should consider an accredited online master’s degree in public safety and emergency management. These people are the brains behind natural disaster relief and managing high-profile events like fireworks shows or presidential parades.

The answer is yes. Yes, you can get a high-paying job without a master’s degree. However, if you want to move up to management positions faster and/or qualify for other positions, then earning your master’s degree in certain fields is a requirement. If you can’t take the time off to earn your degree and want to continue adding work experience to your resume, seek out an accredited online master’s degree to balance both demands.

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