Bob Doyle, creator of wealth beyond reason, shares his idea of ​​the fountain of youth
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Bob Doyle, creator of wealth beyond reason, shares his idea of ​​the fountain of youth

In this article, Bob Doyle shares information about his idea of ​​the fountain of youth concept. Bob Doyle is the creator and facilitator of Wealth Beyond Reason.

Kevin: Wow, that’s fantastic. I have a couple of questions here. We call ‘hot seat’ questions.

Bert: Nope.

Kevin: Yes, I know, no, no, and they are actually very funny. I really believe in modeling and when you hear someone who is successful, whether it’s wealth, health, wellness, anything, business, success, I really think it’s important to listen and find out what people are doing to get the results. what are you looking for, too. So what I’m going to do here is I’ve got a couple here and we’ll see how long we have and are you ready?

Bert: I guess.

Kevin: Guess yes. What are you not doing today that you think you should be doing or that has given you great results in the past?

Bert: Do more exercise. No doubt about it. It’s one of those things where I talked about how obsessive I was about it and once I got into it, once my inspiration shifted into this whole Wealth Beyond Reason road and you know I just get into it completely yes I’m as into this thing that I’m doing now as I was with you when I was in shape and when I was exercising I put everything I had into it and now I’m doing this and I know I need to exercise more. I need to eat better, you know, because I know what to do. It’s just one of those things that I’ve allowed myself to have fun with the lifestyle change and all that, and that’s easy.

Kevin: And you agree with that? you’re ok with…

Bert: I’m okay with that because I know I can know what to do. It’s not like, “Oh, God, how am I going to…”, you know it’s easy. I go into the next room and start doing this again. It’s changing my clothes, that’s all. I just got out of the habit of doing it the way I did because, oddly enough, I was in my best shape when working in a corporate environment because I always went to the gym on my way to work.

Well, now my gym is at home and I thought, “Well, this is going to be even better. Because now it’s right there.” Well, the opposite happened. It’s like, “Well, it’s there. I can do it anytime.” My whole exercise habit changed because I had all this flexibility before. I had to be at the gym by 5:30 because I had to be at work at any hour and that was it and it worked for me. So it’s just a matter of acquiring new habits and making the decision to do so.

Kevin: Wow that’s cool. How do you practice differently now than when you started the ‘Wealth Beyond Reason’ program? What, is there any kind of point that you know of that has changed the way you approach other people now with the law of attraction?

Bert: Well I think you personally know things that I do differently you know I started out like most people do and you learn these little techniques like writing lists or cropping pictures and all of these things are designed to change your emotional state and get you on vibrational resonance with what you want. So what I do now is not think of it as a program or little things to do and all that. It’s just the way it is. I am constantly aware that I am attracting my experience and then something

passing that doesn’t seem right, I can make adjustments on the spot.

So it’s about living the law of attraction more, it was like being fit for me, in fact it became a lifestyle, not a program anymore. That was me. That’s how it is. I mean, this is the law of attraction, it’s how I live my life, but not, you know, ignoring the fact that I’m attracting. Now, I’m not always thinking of walking out and saying, “Oh, the law of attraction did this. The law of attraction did this.” It’s just that now I feel like I’m more alone, in my natural state of being in tune with the universe with what’s going on in my life and if something is going on, that’s not what you know, I’m not enjoying it.

Well, then it just means that somewhere I am vibrating; I am in resonance with what is happening. It could be, it could have been something that could be another limiting belief that I’ve had for years and years. I had not yet identified and I can work and then find out more. I can say, “Okay, well, I had a bad day. It’s no big deal,” you know?

And it’s just about what are you going to do with that feeling in the moment? So I think one of the ways I’ve changed is that I used to wallow on bad days. “No, I’m having a bad day” and of course that’s just you know there are people who are like that. You know, some people will just say well, that’s what they are. They are people who have bad days and wallow in them and then of course they attract more and more. So it’s about making those choices in each moment for a better feeling thought. If that’s what you want to do.

Kevin: Sure. Everybody knows it and it can be, you know, somebody who’s listening now, but everybody knows the person who wallows on bad days. How do you get this information to them?

Bert: Yeah, you know, I’m not a person who does that.

Kevin: Good.

Bert: It’s interesting because I’m not a law of attraction evangelist, you know? I’m not there to convince anyone that they should lead their lives differently and that’s okay. There are people, there are masters of the law of attraction or whatever, that is their purpose. They have that sense of purpose.

Kevin: Good.

Bert: I don’t, because for me it gets me out of the vibrational state that I want to be in and I focus on them, you know, trying to get them out of theirs and then you start to match their vibration. Now I just don’t want to be a part of it. My role in this, I feel, at least at this point in my life, is to attract people who are ready for this message. They may, you know, not know already. They may not have 100% belief, but at least they are in resonance with listening and learning and all that. And that makes my life so much more fun. When I started it was different. You know, when I started out, I would attract a totally different type of person than I do now.

Kevin: Interesting…

Bert: Because I was in a totally different vibrational state, you know? I attracted more people who were like me and now, well, the same is true. I mean, I still attract people who, you know, aren’t, who are in what people would call bad situations. But I no longer have to match its vibration like I used to because it was very real to me then and now I’ve seen what can happen if you just use these things.

So I don’t go after people saying, “Hey, law of attraction, law of attraction. Do this. I know, I can help you with that,” unless you know that I attract people and they come to me and believe. me, I have enough, and that works very well. I don’t need to end up getting busier finding people who I think need the law of attraction.

Kevin: I understand you. If you wanted someone to take something out of this call right now, you know, what would be the message that you want to give to someone who is listening? I mean there are thousands of people on this call. What would you give them right now to say, “Hey, this is what it can do for you. This is what you need.” Whatever you think is best for them at the moment.

Bert: Well, I mean, first of all, if you’re new to the law of attraction, what you need to understand is that it’s working in your life. Whether you believe it or not, you can work with it or leave it or you can continue to attract by default. You know, if they just dismiss this and say, “This is new-age nonsense,” that’s fine. They’re going to pull in all the evidence they need to back up that decision. That is the irony of the law of attraction. If a person resisted, he doesn’t believe it, by the law of attraction, he will attract the evidence he needs to support his position.

Kevin: So, we’re running out of time here, but I have one last question for you, Bob. When you think of the fountain of youth, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

Bert: When I think of the fountain of youth, I think of having that, okay, how can I say this? To be able to feel that feeling of exuberance for the duration of your life, whatever the duration, if you live 30 years, if you live 100 years, you can have, you can always feel young. Using the principles of the law of attraction, staying healthy, whatever you want to do, you know, you have a choice to feel young, you know, as long as you live, and obviously I think the younger you feel, the younger you probably will be for longer. weather. live, the longer its duration.

But I think it’s just a matter of looking at what it is, it’s like what makes you rich? What does health mean to you? Well, what does youth mean to you? Does it mean that you have a lot of energy and are playing every day? Does that mean you know you’re, I don’t know, surrounded by kids all day? I have no idea. It’s just whatever, the fountain of youth tells me there is, you can tap into a fountain, the energy is out there, to help you feel young for as long as you want to feel young.

Kevin: It’s a great thing. Do you feel young right now?

Bert: Oh yes yes, and very grateful for that cause, I certainly have peers my own age who seem much older than me.

Kevin: Yeah, and I think a lot of people don’t put enjoyment and work together and I think this is what I’m hearing from you is that if it’s about work in terms of health or wealth or anything, there has to be some enjoyment, right? Right?

Bert: Yes. Take your career, it’s 8 hours of your day. If you are not enjoying 8 hours, a third of your life, that will have a tremendous emotional or energetic impact on everything that you can attract in your life in general. So yes, finding pleasure in what you do most of the day is key.

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