Highest Paying IT Certifications

Highest Paying IT Certifications

It is a common belief that after getting an IT Certification, getting a high-paying job is no longer difficult. But there are certain Microsoft certifications that can influence a person’s earning potential. Here are three Microsoft certifications for 2013 that are considered essential by companies these days to ensure greater efficiency and discipline at work. […]

Making a statement with data through statement marketing

Making a statement with data through statement marketing

What is the marketing statement? It is sometimes called TransPromo or Integrated Customer Communications, and other names too numerous to list, but what it refers to is the practice of placing messages, usually marketing-related, in transactional documents. It’s not rocket science, but it’s effective and cheap. This article will investigate how advances in data technology […]


When Did Carbon Credits Start?

Carbon Credits Start Carbon credits began to be traded in 1997, as part of the UN Kyoto Protocol, the first international agreement to limit CO2 emissions. The Protocol set emission caps for industrialized nations and created a “Clean Development Mechanism” whereby industrialized countries could offset their emissions by planting trees in the tropics. Since then, […]

nonverbal communication in business

nonverbal communication in business

There are five key elements that can make or break your attempt at successful non-verbal communication in business: eye contact gestures movement posture, and Written communication Let’s examine each nonverbal element in turn to see how we can maximize its potential to communicate effectively… eye contact Good eye contact helps your audience develop trust in […]