Highest Paying IT Certifications

Highest Paying IT Certifications

It is a common belief that after getting an IT Certification, getting a high-paying job is no longer difficult. But there are certain Microsoft certifications that can influence a person’s earning potential. Here are three Microsoft certifications for 2013 that are considered essential by companies these days to ensure greater efficiency and discipline at work.

PMP: Project Management Professional

Project Management Professional (PMP) is a course offered by The Project Management Institute (PMI) and is considered one of the most respectable and significant certifications for professionals around the world. It is recognized worldwide and is in demand by many organizations around the world. The PMP Certification not only ensures that you have sufficient knowledge of IT software, but also essential management skills to handle daily work. The PMP Certification can be obtained by any professional who has a strong interest in the field of management and who has had experience working in the same field. The PMP experience and examination needs focus on initiation, execution, planning, control, and closure.

MCSD: Microsoft Certified Solution Developer

The MCSD or Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer is a Microsoft certification that replaces the previous Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer certification. This new version improves the candidate’s skills to create and build application solutions. These solutions are capable of extending and improving new technology. Candidates who have completed Microsoft Certification are expected to research and design business solutions that use Microsoft languages.

At the moment, there are three different certifications available to all those striving towards Microsoft Certification:

MCSD – Windows Store Apps, MCSD – Web Apps, and MCSD – App Lifecycle Management. Each of these certifications requires taking three to six exams. Microsoft Certification can also be achieved for recertification after a lapse of every two years so that candidates can remain well acquainted with revised editions of the software.

MCDBA: Microsoft Certified Database Administrator

Having complete knowledge of today’s fast-paced world has become a necessity these days. Organizations around the world are interested in relying on reliable and fast systems to collect information.

Microsoft Certified Database Administrators (MCDBA) is a Microsoft certification that ensures that candidates have sufficient knowledge in the IT field. A candidate who has earned the Microsoft Certified Database Administrator (MCDBA) certification can design, implement, and manage SQL Server 2000 database.

There are also two more MCSE certifications for SQL 2012:

Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE):

Data Platform and Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE):

Business Intelligence that can help people develop their skills and talents.

Therefore, having an IT Certification is always beneficial for progress in any field or career these days. Classroom training, as well as online courses for all of the courses mentioned above, can help you learn at your own pace and complete your certification on time. Doing some research first that has an overview of the entire process of learning and getting an IT Certification can be helpful to you in many ways.

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