Lifestyle Fashion

Past life chakra healing

Past lives are wonderful things to work with, especially if you know how to access them. You can do this by working with your Akashic Records and your Past Life Chakra as well. Many people do not know where this minor chakra is located, nor how to heal it, energize it or even work with […]

Lifestyle Fashion

What Causes Man Boobs?

The chest or breasts are a defining characteristic of the gender, and the breasts are generally considered a female trait. However, some men develop breasts that can be a source of embarrassment and even embarrassment. Dr. John Flynn offers gynecomastia surgery, which may include liposuction and skin tightening to reduce the size of breast tissue […]

Lifestyle Fashion

Assessment of eating disorders

Initial intake assessment Presentation of the problem: Why are you seeking help at this time? What are you struggling with the most? Motivation and support: How does your family feel about the possibility of you coming to our Center? Why do you want intensive help now instead of 30 days ago or a month from […]

Lifestyle Fashion

All about Las Vegas restaurants

Vegas baby. Vegas! They weren’t lying: what happens in Las Vegas … stays in Las Vegas! How many times have you heard those slogans? Well, we agree, they are both greatly exaggerated. But, it really sums up your Las Vegas experience. Bottom line: Las Vegas is about controlling your husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, etc. at […]

Lifestyle Fashion

Rose Quartz Crystals and Gemstones – Clean and Recharge Your Crystals and Gemstones

Crystals and gemstones correspond and resonate with specific color frequencies, tones, and light rays; increase or amplify a particular energy vibration. Rose quartz resonates with pink or rose light, enhancing love, emotionally healing, seeing through the eyes of love. Lapis resonates with a deep blue light, clearing channels of communication with others or with the […]