Real Estate

What to know before flipping a house

Many people believe that they can change properties effortlessly, however they are likely not satisfied with the preliminary results. A profitable spin is one where you generate income and there are many steps you need to take to help you be successful. For home buffs, there has been a lot of news recently, as houses […]

Real Estate

Limited liability companies (LLC) in asset protection planning

Limited liability companies are exceptional asset protection vehicles. As a business entity, the personal assets of the business owners are protected from business liability. Business assets are also protected from the liability of their owners. If the business faces a lawsuit, the LLC defends the owners from liability related to business transactions. Additionally, when owners […]

Real Estate

Selling pocket bikes online

Pocket bikes are the fastest growing products today. These miniature motorcycles have created quite a stir across the country as more and more people discover the thrill of riding pocket bikes. You may have noticed many sites online that sell these mini motorcycles. There are two ways to sell pocket bikes: buying in bulk and […]