Circle of Fifths Lesson
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Circle of Fifths Lesson

Many times when one refers to the Circle of Fifths we think of Scales. Today I would like to expose some secrets in the Circle of Fifths. Whether you are just beginning to play the piano or are a seasoned musician, learning the theory behind the Circle of Fifths is an extremely important and valuable tool.

My understanding of the Circle of Fifths is that you must first be able to measure the interval of a perfect fifth. A perfect fifth encompasses five degrees of staff and is made up of three whole steps and one half step or seven half steps. instead of counting steps, a perfect fifth can be calculated more quickly using information already learned regarding the scale, the note from which the measurement will be taken as the tonic. From a tonic note to its dominant note there is a rising perfect fifth.

It is through the perfect fifth interval that the keys are related to each other. Starting with C, we count down to a perfect fifth to find the key note G for the scale with a sharp; we count up a perfect fifth from G to find the key note D for the scale with two sharps, and so on until we get to C# with seven sharps.

Flat keys are similarly related. Starting with C, we count back a perfect fifth to find the keynote F for the scale with a flat; we count back a perfect fifth from F to find the key note Bb for the two-flat scale, and so on until we reach Cb, with seven flats. Each upward progression in fifths adds a new sharp, and each downward progression in fifths adds a new flat.

The key names used for 5, 6, and 7 sharps have enharmonic equivalents in the names of the keys of 5, 6 and 7 flats: B (5 sharps) and Cb (7 flats); F# (6 sharps) and Gb (6 flats); C# (7 sharps) and Db (5 flats). so now the circle of fifths in major keys is produced.

This circle includes all major key names with the high keys reading clockwise from C, and the flat keys reading counterclockwise from C. The circle is joined by the three enharmonic keys. The number of sharps or flats for each key can be determined by counting the number of fifths from C.

For example, A has three sharps because it is the third key clockwise from C; Db has 5 flats because that’s five keys counterclockwise from C. The circle also indicates the order of the sharps and flats on the staff.

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