Detailed review of the Smooth 9.35HR treadmill
Health Fitness

Detailed review of the Smooth 9.35HR treadmill

Have you heard of Smooth Fitness? They have a good line of treadmills. They don’t offer dozens of treadmills, but the several they do offer are quality treadmills that range in features and price.

The Smooth 9.35HR treadmill is priced at just under $2,000 (exact price depends on whether there’s a sale).

This is a non-folding treadmill. Yes, most treadmills sold are foldable these days, but maybe the fold feature isn’t something you need.

But price is not the most important thing when buying a treadmill. You need to know the important features and how those features will give you the workouts that meet your fitness goals.

Smooth Fitness 9.35 Treadmill Features

Race platform size

At 20 inches wide by 55 inches wide, it’s a running deck large enough to accommodate most runners. If you are taller than 6 feet, you may prefer a longer platform. Also, if you do a lot of sprinting or HIIT, you might prefer a little more space.

Engine horsepower

At 3.0 horsepower, even demanding runners will enjoy enough power to walk, jog, run and run. Personally, I wouldn’t buy a treadmill with less than 3.0 horsepower (but I’m a runner and I’m over 6 feet tall). You’ll pay a little more for 3.0 horsepower treadmills, but luckily there are plenty of models and brands with this kind of power. You’ll be pleased with the power delivery of the Smooth 9.35 treadmill’s motor.

Low impact cushioning system

The 9.35 treadmill is built with Smooth Fitness’s “Im-Pression” shock absorbing cushioning system. I have to say that I love innovation in fitness equipment and shock absorption is one of the innovative manufacturers of treadmills like Smooth Fitness.

Cushioning and shock absorption is a complicated technology that you don’t want to overcommit to. In other words, you don’t want to make it too soft. If the cushioning is too soft, it’s like running on sand, which gives you a tremendous workout, but will significantly slow you down.

If you’re a competitive runner, you need to be careful with excess cushioning because running on a treadmill is not the same as running on pavement. That said, if you have joint pain or need low-impact exercise equipment for whatever reason, then the extra cushioning is for you.

Speed ​​and Incline

This treadmill propels up to 11.2 miles per hour and increases the incline to a maximum of 15 percent. Both specifications are more than adequate for all types of training. In fact, a 15 percent incline is in the high range for treadmills that aren’t incline trainers. If you want something that inclines at 20 percent or more, find an incline trainer.

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