Do you feel powerless?

Do you feel powerless?

The stories of ants, rabbits, locusts, and lizards are recorded in Proverbs 30:24-28. Regarded as powerless but extremely wise animals, these creatures have great lessons for leaders. My NIV footnotes say, “Lack of individual power is no hindrance to great achievement if there is cooperative effort and wise planning.” (NIV Study Bible for Disciples, Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers, 1988) p. 785.

First of all, a wise leader attracts people with a vision. When cooperative effort is combined with a shared goal, extraordinary things begin to happen. John Maxwell says, “No one can accomplish great things alone. To accomplish a great vision, you need a good team.” (leadership 101, Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2002) p. 56.

Get your team together by coming up with a concept for the desired outcome.

Second, a wise leader prepares with careful planning. When he looks at the details, he will consider the cause and effect of his plan. He turns your plane around and looks at it from all angles. Ask, “How will my decisions affect others?”

Andy Stanley says that there are “four components of an effective vision.

  1. The problem
  2. The solution
  3. The reason why something should be done
  4. The reason why something should be done now.” (visionary, Sisters: Multnomah, 1999) p. 86.

When you present your case with fluency, passion, and conviction, others will want to participate in your dream. Stanley advises, “Only when the images that fill your mind are accurately conveyed to the minds of your audience has the vision been cast. Take as much time as necessary to develop a clear verbal image.” (visionary, Sisters: Multnomah, 1999) p. 92.

Our family experienced the benefit of teamwork last weekend when we celebrated my son’s high school graduation. Many hands joined to help us applaud that milestone and we received support from all angles. Some lent carpentry skills, patio furniture and coolers for food. Others pitched in to frost cupcakes, slice fruit, fill their crock pots, and greet guests. We reap the rewards of a great cooperative effort coupled with careful planning!

The laws of leadership are worth applying to every area of ​​life. We need each other. And people find satisfaction in work, as well as share the joy of the result! So take advantage of the lessons found in the activities of the ants (which are prepared in advance), the rabbits (which provide protection), the locusts (which work together), and the lizards (which are not subject to limitations). When you empower others with a vision, you will equip yourself to tackle something big!

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