Facebook or homework?  Parameters to limit social networks during school

Facebook or homework? Parameters to limit social networks during school

Websites like Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter have revolutionized the way we socialize, allowing us to contact friends and family, both near and distant, from anywhere and at any time. Opening the sites, we are drawn into the seemingly endless whirlwind of images, events and news taking place in the lives of everyone we have ever met.

However, summer is ending and school is starting up again for the fall. Every hour spent on a social networking website is another hour spent not doing homework, which may be few and far between in the first place. Here are some guidelines on how to balance potentially addictive websites alongside homework and other academic obligations:

1. Keep the number of “friends” low.

The more friends you have updating you on the minutiae of their lives, the more time you’ll spend reading about minor details that probably won’t impact your day. Think about how many of your online friends you really want or need to keep in touch with, and you may find that some old friends are taking time that could be spent on other, more important activities. Also, “unfriending” someone doesn’t mean permanently cutting ties; you can always check for them later if you want to reconnect.

2. Disable the chat function when you have more important things to do.

The chat feature is arguably the most addictive aspect of social networking sites and the most dangerous when you have an important message. task assignment to end. Since chatting can become a never-ending activity, it’s safer to simply disable the feature in the first place. Better yet, use it as an incentive: finish your task first, then re-enable chat later.

3. Stay away from additional games and apps that could take you further on the site.

Social networking sites are addictive enough already; the last thing you need to add to your page is another distracting game! Not to mention, many Facebook apps are notorious for collecting and using your information in a way that you might feel violates your privacy. Use the site to keep in touch with people, but don’t let it become a video game too!

4. Try to do your homework in a place where you won’t be tempted to check social networking sites.

Experiment with studying the old-fashioned way: grab your books, your notes, some pens, and your music player if you need to, and head to the library. Or if you prefer a change of scenery, head to a local cafe or study room where it’s quiet. If you think you’ll be tempted to look at your Facebook page, turn off your Internet connection. You’ll be amazed at how much faster you’ll work without the temptation!

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