Health Fitness

How, by changing your limiting beliefs, you can change your life!

Your beliefs are the foundation on which your whole life rests. This foundation was formed by your childhood conditioning, the experiences you have had over the course of your life, and the conclusions you have drawn as a result of them. Every action (or no action) that you have taken during your life has been encouraged or discouraged by these beliefs. Consequently, most of the situations in your life are the result of your actions (or inactions).

To start pushing your limits and increasing your potential, you need to examine your beliefs about your limitations. Start by making a list of your most obvious perceived limitations, but to change them effectively and permanently, you will need to challenge them and actively work to expand your concept of what is possible.

Whether you realize it or not, you have a certain internal “set point” where you think your abilities stop in a certain area. These set points can vary depending on the intensity of your beliefs and may be different for different activities. For example, you may know that you are good at one activity but feel like you suck at another.

It can be helpful to examine the reasons why you feel this way, because most of the time our limiting beliefs are unfounded. Maybe your older brother told you that you were too weak to be good at sports, so you never bothered to find out. Or your friend laughed at your artwork and you decided it was a stupid hobby anyway.

It’s bad enough when other people impose limitations on us, but the problem worsens when we start doing it ourselves.

We no longer need others to tell us that we stink of something; we come to realization by ourselves.
We no longer need someone to tell us that we are a loser; one failure is enough to convince us.
We no longer need others to deflate our confidence; we can do it more effectively ourselves.
What a shame this is! Do you see the pattern of destruction and the attenuated potential that results from it? For most of us, it only takes ONE negative experience to start an avalanche of massive proportions. Of course, it doesn’t usually happen quickly, but is the result of years of gradual loss of faith in ourselves.

Before continuing, it is important to understand that your limiting beliefs were FORMED, sometimes by other people in your life and sometimes by you. Either way, they can warp, break, roll into a ball, and turn into something else entirely, like a lump of clay. Your beliefs are malleable and flexible! They may feel like “facts”, but they are simply thoughts that have gained strength and solidity due to mere repetition on your part. When you really start to understand this, it becomes very exciting! Suddenly a whole new world opens up for you, a world in which everything is possible.

What else can you do about it?

Here’s the good part. There is much more you can do to turn your beliefs in your favor. For example: Self-hypnosis scripts meant to flood your subconscious mind with new, useful, and inspiring information can definitely reprogram your belief system.

In any case, there are many resources available that you can try to help you troubleshoot the problem. For example, self-hypnosis tapes (now mp3) are a safe, easy, and fun way to motivate you to make the necessary adjustments to your belief system, which will trigger the correct behaviors for your benefit.

Hypnosis is a form of alternative healing and therapy that has the power to induce real and lasting change. Today, more and more people are beginning to learn that hypnosis is more than just a night show, but something that can literally change their lives. Hypnosis can be performed alone in the comfort of your home or office in hundreds of different ways throughout your life and best of all, you can use it at any time of the day, whenever you need it.

Let’s review some of the benefits of hypnosis:

* Relieve stress and anxiety.

* Help you quit smoking or other addiction.

* Create a better night’s sleep

* Reduce the amount of pain in your life (chronic or not)

* Provide you with a general feeling of well-being.

* Create a new level of energy in your day.

* Eliminate negative feelings, fears or phobias.

* Develop strong self-confidence

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