How do you throw your cornhole bag?
Tours Travel

How do you throw your cornhole bag?

Folding the bag is a key element for consistency. There are no secrets to bag folding, just personal preference.

Tea “Chicago Fold” It has been a favorite of the top cornhole players in the tournament. Hold the corner of the bag, let the particles fall to the bottom, fold it in half, and then fold it in half again.

Tea “Paducah Pancake” is another one of the most consistent creases among concealed shooters. The bag is smoothed out and delivered flat or saucer-like towards the hole.

Tea “Half a pancake from Paducah” It’s the same, just folded in half.

Tea “Sacramento Sling” it is accomplished by grasping the bag by the corner or edge between two fingers and then pulling it under the hand.

Year “Up from Omaha” Delivery is often the choice of basketball shooters with the bag rolled up into a ball.

Tea frisco adventure it has become very popular and is designed to give the shooter instant follow up techniques. Using your fingertips, gently hold the bag in the middle of one side of the bag. The particles will consistently remain at the bottom of the bag. Then toss the bag under your hand with the top of your hand upright.

As you can see, there are many ways to throw away your bag. No way is right, and no way is wrong. The key is consistency and being able to not only fold the bag correctly, but also maintain speed and accuracy on the trail. Cornhole is a combination of the skills required in bowling, horseshoes, and softball, where accuracy is the key to success. If you keep practicing, you’re sure to be a champion at the next barbecue or tailgate party. Hey, who knows, you might even be able to put some change in your pocket.

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