How I’ve Lost 33 Pounds (and Counting)

How I’ve Lost 33 Pounds (and Counting)

The trigger was the fact that 6 months ago I quit my job, after 5 years working for an ISP, my job was 100% sitting all day near the computer without doing any exercise and eating small snacks all day.

Now, I don’t advise anyone to leave their job obviously :-), I just say that this is the point that made the change in my way of life, because it was a time of many changes. I started eating comfort food instead of fast food, I started walking a lot since the car I had was actually my work car, I stopped eating between meals and then I noticed that I lose belly fat.

Shortly after leaving my job I bought a small and very useful book that talked about healthy eating, this topic had never touched me before, but since my weight was too mush, I decided to give it a try.
it’s much simpler than it seems, once i learned some facts about how my body works, what’s good and what’s bad, i got rid of a lot of things that were actually killing me softly, it’s no secret that the Fat people are more common with heart disease and such, and losing belly fat is the key to avoiding it.

I have to say that watching commercials on TV and the Internet buying all that “Healthy Food” turns out to be really big NO NO, because most of the “Healthy Food” in the commercials are not really healthy.
For example: most grains out there are actually grain sugar, once you learn that sugar is enemy number one, you start to realize why you are getting fat no matter how hard you try to lose belly fat.

Why is sugar the number 1 enemy of our body?
well, the answer is simple, because the body does not need it at all! your body can make all the sugar it needs from fruits that is natural and there it can handle it in the best way.

On the other hand, shelf sugar lacks any nutritional value, it is just an empty calorie, as we are so used to the white crystals of sugar that we forget that it is a processed and unnatural product that our body works very hard on. Break it up, just so you get the hang of it, here’s a quick fact: it takes 59 pounds of sugar canes to produce 1 pound of sugar! Let’s say you put 2 teaspoons of sugar in your coffee – it’s equal to 118 teaspoons of sugar cane powder – sounds bad to you? and buy the cola so that it has 8 tablespoons of sugar.

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