How to create PDF files without Adobe

How to create PDF files without Adobe

When dealing electronically with other businesses, you’ll want to maintain the integrity of your files. One solution is to use a file type called a PDF file. These files end with the extension .pdf. PDF files are used by companies to send important documents like contracts and proposals to other companies. This file type is used because it is more difficult to edit the document. PDF files are also used in web pages, as they can be viewed in your Internet browser when you use a PDF viewer such as the one provided by Adobe for free. Also, people don’t use the same word processor, which means they won’t be able to open your document if they don’t have the same program as you. With the PDF file, anyone can view them by getting a free viewer from the internet.

One way to create a PDF file is to use Adobe’s software suite. These programs can be expensive and I will provide you with a way to create a PDF file using some features on your computer and some free software that can be found on the internet.

This method has a two-step process to create the PDF file. You must first create a postscript file of your document. A postscript file is just your document that is printed to a file on your hard drive instead of on your printer. These files usually have a .ps extension.

You will need to configure your computer to create this file.

Here are the steps to create the file:

1. You need to create a new printer association for your computer. To accomplish this, go to the Control Panel icon in the Start menu.

Once the dialog opens, click on the Printers and Faxes icon.

Click Add a printer and click the Next button.

Make sure that only the local printer attached to this computer is selected and click the Next button.

Make sure Use the following port: is selected and choose FILE: (Print to file) from the drop-down box.
Once all this is done, click the Next button.

I prefer Tektronix Phaser 300i as the printer driver that I used.
Select the driver you want (drivers ending in PS are generally only used to create postscript files).
After selecting the driver you want, click the Next button.

You can use the printer name provided by Windows or create your own. I also suggest you select No for Do you want to use this printer as the default printer?
When you are ready; click the Next button.

Choose Do not share this printer and click the Next button.

Select No for Do you want to print a test page? Click the Next button.

Finally, click the Finish button to create your new printer icon on your computer.

If you now look in the Printers and Faxes dialog, you should see the new printer icon.

2.After you have finished editing your document, you now need to create the postscript file.
In MS Word, choose the File->Print… menu option.

In the dialog that appears at the top, make sure the selected printer is the new one you created in the previous step. If not, select your printer from the dropdown box.

When you have selected the printer, press the OK button at the bottom and provide a hard drive location and name for the postscript file.

The program will now create the postscript file at the specified location.

Now that you have your postscript file, you need to convert it to PDF format. This is done by getting two files from the internet called Ghostscript and GSview.

Here are the steps to convert your postscript file:

1. Download gsvXXw32.exe (for GSView), where XX is the version number. I located the file here:

2. Download gsXXXw32.exe (for Ghostscript), where XXX is the version number. I located the file here:

3. Install both programs in the order of your choice.

4. Open GSView and you will be asked to choose a version of Ghostscript.

Once you’ve installed both programs, you’re ready to create your PDF file.

1. Double click on your .ps file that you have already created. GSView should open with your postscript file.

2. Click the following menu selection File->Convert.

3. In the Device: box, choose pdfwrite. Select the resolution you want (a larger resolution means a larger, better quality file. You can try this to see what resolution you prefer). Select the pages you want to convert and click OK.

4. You will be asked to name your file and it should use the .pdf extension (mydoc.pdf). Click Save and you’re done.

This method is very inexpensive, and it makes sense to send a PDF file when dealing with sensitive documents to make sure people can’t make changes after the fact. By doing this, you will look more professional and have an easy way to distribute your documents over the Internet.

Copyright 2006 Greg Doucett. All rights reserved.

Any suggestions or comments please write to Greg Doucet at [email protected] or visit us at [].

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