How to get rid of belly fat in women
Health Fitness

How to get rid of belly fat in women

Alright ladies, I’m going to tell you the best way to lose belly fat. However, you might be a little surprised because it’s a bit counter-intuitive and you might be a little hesitant because it’s considered more of a male activity.

The best way to lose belly fat, whether you’re a woman or a man, is to lift weights. Confused? I told you you might find it a bit counterintuitive. But, let’s take a look at the situation.

First, it’s important to understand that you can’t reduce localized fat in your abdomen any more than you can reduce it in your thighs. To get rid of belly fat, you need to reduce your total body fat percentage. Now, it takes 3,500 calories to get rid of a single pound of fat. That’s a lot of work when you consider that the average person only burns 2,000 calories on an average day.

So, we need to stack the deck in our favor. How are we going to do this, lifting weights? This is because muscle weighs more than fat, and therefore your body must work harder to transport it. When your body works harder, it burns more calories and your body fat percentage decreases. Therefore, you have effectively increased your metabolism and are burning calories even when you are not exercising.

But, you’re a bit hesitant because powerlifting is typically the realm of men. Ladies, don’t be afraid. You won’t build big muscles unless you start lifting heavy. You’ll be building lean muscle tone and shedding belly fat while you’re at it.

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